6. Fun karts shall only be fueled by a supervisor knowledgeable with regard to proper fueling
7. A supervisor shall verify personally that everyone operating or riding is knowledge able,
capable, and has the cognitive capacity to operate the Fun-kart safely, including those items
specified in 1 through 6.
a. The supervisor shall only allow the use and operation of the fun kart after demonstration
that each operator can understand and operate all components of the fun kart prior to
b. The supervisor shall provide continuous supervision during fun kart use.
c. The supervisor shall not allow anyone to ride in or operate the fun kart with long hair,
loose clothes, or jewelry that can caught in moving parts below the seat or surrounding
environment. Remove or tie back anything loose that can reach below or behind the seat
before riding.
8. Fun—Kart operators and passengers shall adhere to all manufacturer’s recommendations
and instructions as well as comply with all laws and ordinances
as well as
a. Operators shall stay seated with both hands on the steering wheel and both feet in the
Fun—Karl at all times
whether moving or stationary, unless the Fun—Kart is stopped
completely and the engine has been shut off.
b. Passengers shall remain seated with arms and legs inside the Fun—Karl at all times
during Fun—Kart operation
c. Shall observe minimum age restrictions
d. Shall not ride the Fun-Kart if long hair, loose clothes
or jewelry reach below or behind the
Long hair, loose clothes, or jewelry can get caught in moving parts below and behind the seat or
surrounding environment. Remove or tie back anything loose that can reach below or behind the
seat before riding.
e. Shall not allow smoking in Fun-Kart.
f. Persons under the influence of drugs
or intoxicants shall not
or ride in a Fun-Kart.
g. Fun-Karts shall operate only on a surface or terrain recommended by the Fun-Kart’s
h. Fun-Karts shall not be operated on roads
or any other location
where road Vehicles are intended to travel.
i. Fun—Karts shall be operated only with adequate lighting and under conditions of suitable
9. Persons with the following conditions shall not ride in or operate a Fun-Kart
a .Those with heart conditions.
b. Pregnant women.
c. Persons with head back or neck ailments, or prior surgeries to those areas of the body.
d. Persons with any mental or physical conditions, which may make them susceptible to injury
or impair their physical dexterity or mental capabilities to recognize
perform all of the safety instructions, and be able to assume the hazards inherent in Fun-
Kart use.
10. Fun-Kart shall not be used to