4.3 Checking the delivery
1. Take out the product.
2. Check that the product is complete and check for transport damage.
Note all transport damage on the transport documents or the carrier's delivery note.
Take photos of any transport damage and submit a claim to the manufacturer.
3. Dispose of the product packaging correctly in accordance with local regulations.
For any defect found, le a complaint immediately with:
HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH
Borsigstraße 11
93092 Barbing, Germany
Tel.: +49 89 379100-6000
Claims for damages can only be addressed within the applicable complaint periods. HAWE does not
accept any liability for subsequent complaints.
4.4 Storage
Property damage from incorrect storage
Incorrect storage can lead to damage. Refer to the technical data.
Store the product and its separate components as follows:
Do not store outdoors.
Store dry and free of dust.
Protect the equipment against sunlight (UV radiation).
optimum storage temperature: 15 - 20 °C
Do not store close to ignition and heat sources, aggressive media (e.g. acids, fuel, lubricants), and
ozone-emitting illuminants (e.g. fluorescent light sources, mercury vapor lamps).
Protect the valves and valve controllers against gumming of the hydraulic uid if stored more than 2
years. To do so, contact the manufacturer of the hydraulic uid.
Avoid mechanical jolts.
B 6025 - 12-2021 - 1.1en
HAWE Hydraulik SE