Product description
The SHEV control unit is intended to be used as a power supply
and control device for the connected equipment (refer to section
“Equipment overview”). The smoke and heat exhaust control unit
HAUTAU RAZ 900 contains all the electronics needed to control
24 V DC drives for windows and smoke vents: in the event of fire
and for general ventilation. In case of power failure, the emergency
power supply guarantees the operation of the SHEV facility for at
least 72 hours.
Opening in an emergency situation:
Manually by fire pushbutton, automatically by smoke and heat
detector or third-party activation.
Closing in the event of an emergency:
Manually by SHEV-CLOSE button (Reset) inside the fire
Daily ventilation and exhaustion:
By ventilation pushbutton “OPEN-STOP-CLOSE” (continuous
opening) and automatic closing by superordinate wind/rain
The included features depend on whether the system operates as
an SHEV control unit or merely as a central ventilation unit and on
which modules have been incorporated.
The smoke and heat exhaust control unit RAZ 9… has been
designed as a modular central control unit. The maximum output
current of the power supply is indicated by the label RAZ 908, while
the expansion stage of the groups is identified by the designation
RAZ 908-.
Its basic configuration consists of a housing with screw plate as
well as a top hat rail, a transformer, a rectifier module with filter
capa citors, a load module, a group module, a smoke and heat
exhaust ventilation module, a smoke detector module, and
battery packs.
The number of group modules corresponds to the maximum
power output of the central unit. Sharing this power output with
other groups is not possible. The number of smoke detector
modules corresponds to the number of smoke detectors
(max. 10 detectors/module). The maximum output current of the
power supply or the maximum breaking capacity of the modules
may not be exceeded.
The SHEV control unit is designed to run on emergency power
for 72 hrs.
While the central ventilation units LZ 9.. are constructed in the
same way as the SHEV control units, they lack the modules
RWA 9, RM 9, LAD 9 and the battery packs.
Reprint even in excerpts not without the publisher‘s approval.
In consideration of progress, we reserve the right to apply construction modifications and, consequently, change any figures, dimensions, wire
specifications etc. The figures do not show items in their actual size and are also not of the same proportion.
Installation and
operating instructions
Central smoke exhaust unit
RAZ 908, 916, 924, 932, 940, 948, 956, 964, 972
Central ventilation unit
LZ 908, 916, 924, 932, 940, 948, 956, 964, 972
04/2019 209546H