Printhead Cartridge Storage and Handling
Once installed, your printhead cartridge should remain in the printer until its useful life has expired.
If you need to remove the printhead cartridge and store it for any specific reason:
Protect the printhead cartridge at all times from contamination by air-borne or surface
contaminants such as dust or fibers.
When handling a printhead cartridge, hold the printhead cartridge only by the handles and do not
touch the ink couplings, the printhead nozzle surface or the electrical contacts.
After removing the printhead cartridge; immediately install the protective covers on the printhead.
Store the printhead cartridge in a sealed plastic bag with a damp cloth.
Make sure contacts are dry before re-installing the printhead.
Always store printhead cartridges horizontally, never on end.
Do not expose printhead cartridges to temperatures below 1 ºC (34 ºF).
Do not expose printhead cartridges to temperatures higher than 60 ºC (140 ºF).
Allow printhead cartridges to acclimate to ambient temperature before using in your printer.
Cleaning the Printhead Cartridge
The Printhead Cartridge is cleaned automatically; each time the printer is turned ON, periodically during
the print job, and when a User Maintenance Level routine is performed by the operator.
From the M Series Driver:
User Maintenance Levels can be found under the Service
Tab, in the M Series Driver properties.
Each step in the Maintenance Levels activates a more
thorough cleaning or clearing of the printhead; which also
takes additional time to perform.
See “
Printer Driver Properties
” for more details.
From the Toolbox:
The Toolbox feature “Wipe Printhead” can be used to do a
quick printhead cleaning.
The User Maintenance Levels, located under the
Services Tab of the M Series Driver, should be used to do a
more thorough cleaning.
The “Circulate Ink” feature can be used to help purge air
from the printhead cartridge and ink system.
Don’t run this feature more than two times in a
row. Doing so can build-up too much pressure in the system
which may cause excessive ink waste and ink spills to occur.