14. Raise the rail into place and attach the Hanger Brackets to the rail by fastening the
3/8” – 16 x 3/4” bolts and 3/8 flat washers to the four 3/8” T-Nuts which were installed in
Step 10. Verify that the section you have hung is straight and level before moving on to
the next step.
15. Lift the next section into place. Slide the rail onto the pins, the end of the rail may
require to be flexed in order to line up the holes with the pins (the use of a strap wrench
or large c-clamp may be helpful in accomplishing this). Place the 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2" bolt
(2) 5/16” flat washers and 5/16” locknut through the connection brackets and tighten
them. Now finish hanging the section, using the same procedure as in step 14. Verify
that every section of rail hung is straight and level before moving onto the next section of
16. Repeat step 15 until you are finished hanging all sections of rail.
17. Once all sections of rail are hung, determine if knee bracing is required to assure side
to side stability of rail. Refer to “Appendix B” for knee bracing recommendations.
18. Insert rubber into slots (teeth facing the center) on either side of bottom opening of
the rail sections (see Appendix C) by starting with the rubber flush at one end and
pressing on it firmly using your thumbs or by using a C Channel Vise Clamp for the first
foot. Upon request Harvey will supply a rubber insertion tool to help with the installation
of the rubber seal. Use the rubber insertion tool to insert the rubber seal. Trim off excess
rubber so that it is flush with the other end of the duct rail. (Using soapy water or
spraying Armor All on the portion of the rubber that inserts into the rail will ease this
19. Slide the trolley assemblies onto the rail end without the stop kit and attach the hoses
with the provided hose clamps.
20. Attach the other stop kit (HRX-STP) using the same procedure explained in step 13.
21. If the take-off is going to be attached at the end follow step 21-A. If the take off was
previously attached centrally proceed to step 22.
21-A. In order to attach the end cap (HRX-ECP) to the rail you must first slide the end
cap with the opening into the end of the rail nearest the blower. Before sliding the cap all
the way in, it is necessary to put a bead of silicone around the cap where it is going to
contact the rail. Rotate the cap so that the point is aligned with the rubber (See Appendix
E). Using a 1/8" drill bit drill two holes on the top half of the rail and two holes on the
bottom half of the rail being certain to drill through the center of the flange that extends
inside the rail. Secure the cap using four 3/16” self-tapping screws (not supplied). Attach
the opposing end cap (HRX-ECP) at the opposite end of the rail using the same technique
as described above.