AgilePulse PLUS
Quick Start Guide
84 October Hill Rd • Holliston, MA 01746, USA
phone: 1.508.893.8999 • fax: 1.800.429.5732
web: • email: [email protected]
Publication 5423-031 Rev 1.0
Protocol Setup
Pulse protocols can be viewed and/or modified on the Protocol screen
which is accessed from the Welcome screen:
Parameters for up to five pulse groups are set by selecting the
appropriate box and scrolling through the available values. Subsequent
groups are activated by selecting at least one pulse in the number field
and are conversely deactivated by selecting zero pulses in the number
field. The adjusted protocol is saved to internal memory when the
HOME button is touched.
Amplitude defines voltage of the pulses.
Duration defines the length of the pulses.
Pulse Interval defines the inter-group interval (pulse interval time
within a single group).
Group Interval defines the intra-group interval (pulse interval
time between one group and the next group. Group Interval also
defines the interval in the middle of a group when polarity flip
settings are turned on.
Number defines the number of pulses.
Polarity defines the directionality of the electrical current flow
during the pulses. Options include Positive, Negative, Flip
- → +, and Flip + → - . For the Flip polarity options, the first half
the pulses of the group will be delivered in the one polarity, then
the second half of the pulses of the group will be delivered in the
opposite polarity. For Flip polarity groups with an odd number
of pulses, the extra pulse will be delivered prior to the Flip. For
example, a Flip + → - group with pulse number set to 3 will have 2
positive polarity pulses followed by one negative polarity pulse
Pulse Delivery Procedure
1. Prepare sample for electroporation with BTX Large Volume
Chamber, Flatpack Chamber, cuvette or in vivo electrode.
2. Make proper connections between generator, electrode, and
3. Enter Cell Line, Transfectant, and Chamber data on the Welcome
screen, then tap Next to advance to the Pulse Delivery screen.
4. Touch the Load icon. The system will automatically deliver a short
low voltage pulse to estimate the load resistance. If the resistance
is too low, the pulse will not be delivered. If the resistance is
within acceptable limits, the Ready button will turn yellow.
5. Touch the Ready button. When the system is charged, the Start
button will turn yellow.
6. Touch the Start button. The system will deliver the set pulse
protocol. When delivery is complete, the Done button will turn
green and the pulse log will be displayed in the text box.
7. Touch the Done button to return to the Welcome screen.
The identification fields will be reset. Repeat the procedure for
each pulse delivery.
Protocol Screen
Pulse Delivery Screen—Pre-Pulse
Pulse Delivery Screen—Post-Pulse
BTX AgilePulse PLUS Quick Start Guide •