Reinigung und Pflege:
Außenflächen des Geräts mit feuchtem Tuch
abwischen. Keine ätzenden (chlorhaltigen) Reiniger oder Scheuermittel
verwenden. Spender ist nicht autoklavierbar und nicht in der
Spülmaschine zu reinigen.
Es liegt in der Verantwortung des
Monteurs, dass das Gerät entsprechend aller gel ten den Vorschriften
und Normen sowie Richtlinien und gesetzlichen Anforderungen montiert
wird. Bringen Sie den Spender nicht über Wärmequellen oder in der
Nähe von Zündquellen/offenen Feuer an.
Das Gerät dient ausschließlich zur Verwendung von
1 L dispenser, plastic, manual
For hand disinfectants, wash and skin care lotions
1. Scope of delivery
Dispenser, fixing set, 2 keys, instruction manual.
2. Opening the dispenser
Open dispenser with one of the enclosed keys and open the dispenser
housing to the front. The key (round) can be removed from the dispenser
in order to lock the dispenser securely. The permanent key (rectangular)
remains after the first use in the dispenser and allows a fast opening
without a key.
3. Removal of backplate
Press the latch on the backplate of the dispenser and slide the dispenser
upwards, off the plate.
4. Installation advice
Dispenser should be installed at least 8 inches (20.5 cm) from any elevated
surfaces. The most ergonomicallysuitable installation height for safe and
comfortable operation is 110 cm, measured from the floor to the base of
the dispenser housing.
5. Mounting of backplate
For screwing solution:
Attach the backplate with enclosed attachment
materials to the wall. Please check suitability of wall beforehand!
adhesive solution:
Clean the surface with the supplied alcohol swab and
wait for 5 minutes. Attach the backplate with the adhesive pads on to the
wall. Wait 24 hours before installing the dispenser.
6. Mounting of dispenser
Slide the dispenser from above on to the mounting plate till the locking
latch snaps in.
7. Bottle Placement/Exchange
Remove cap of pump. Insert filled bottle from the front into the dispenser
until the bottle is securely locked at pump thread.
For insertion
pump must be in its original state (not pulled out). For bottle exchange
pull the bottle out of the dispenser towards the front.
8. Dispenser operation
Close the dispenser housing. Hold your hand under the nozzle and
operate the lever several times until solution is despensed.
Cleaning and Maintenance:
Clean exterior surfaces of the dispenser
with damp cloth. Do not use acid (chloride) or abrasive cleaners.
Dispenser is not autoclavable and cannot be cleaned in the dishwasher.
It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure installation
of unit complies with all applicable codes, standards and regulatory
requirements. Do not install this dispenser above heat sources or near
sources of ignition/flame.
Intended use:
The device is intended solely
for use with disposable cartridges.
BODE Chemie GmbH,
Melanchthon straße 27, 22525 Hamburg, Germany, Tel. +49 40 54 0060.
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