HM-BLE User Manual
MAN-1022 2/11/2015 v1
Designed and Produced under
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ISO 9001:2008 Certification
Problem: Communication is unreliable
Verify the following:
1. You are within radio range of the master transmitter, for Class 1 devices = 83 meters unobstructed,
for Class 2 devices = 10 meters unobstructed. HM-BLE is a Class 1 Bluetooth device, check what class
your iPAD / iPhone is. For 83m both devices must be Class 1
2. Vary the orientation of the master transmitter or the HM-BLE to improve radio link strength
3. Battery is charged
4. HART connections made before power turned on
5. HART Transmitter is not in Burst mode. Communications can occur in Burst mode, but more retries
will be necessary for success
6. In some applications, a connection can be lost, which looks like a communication lock-up.