High-Speed Resistance Tester – Model 9250-05
Operators Manual
Verify Communications
If the Model 9250-05 is connected correctly to the host computer and the TERMINAL or other
communications software is configured properly, when power is applied to the Model 9250-05 the
communications software should respond within ten seconds with:
Warm up!
After approximately four to five seconds, the output will read:
Power up!
Once the power up message is displayed, the unit is in IDLE Mode. It is not taking readings from
the terminal probes. To start taking readings, issue the Start Readings command; or configure the
unit with one of the other commands.
The Model 9250-05 is a precision resistance measurement instrument
and requires a warm-up period of approximately five minutes
BEFORE readings should be taken.
Also, verify that the RX and TX lamps on the front of the Model 9250-05 are illuminating when
the unit is receiving commands (RX) or transmitting data (TX).
If the unit will not issue the power up messages within ten to twenty seconds, check the serial
communications cable to ensure that it is connected properly. Also check that power is applied to
the unit (green LED indicator on ON/OFF push-button switch is illuminated). If both of these
checks are valid, contact Harris Instrument Corporation IRT Service for more information.