Air inside the filter body or a malfunction of the valve can damage the valve or the
Place the valve in such a way that the hoses can be connected properly.
Connect the filter to the pump and use Teflon for a proper seal.
The filter body can rupture or explode at a pressure of 2 bar. The maximal operating
pressure is around 1.5 bar. Therefore, never install a pump which puts more than 1.3 bar of
pressure on the filter body. Switch off the pump if the pressure rises above 1.5 bar.
Never place the valve on the outlet of the filter/pump installation. A closed valve can cause
the filter to explode.
Always keep chemicals at least 5 meters removed from the pump and filter. The chemical
fumes of these products can rust the parts causing damage to the valve, pump and filter.
The electrical installation of the pumps has to take place according to local standards. The
distance between the swimming pool and the pump installation has to be at least 4 meters.
For safety a 30 mA differential plug has to be present. The filter kit is used exclusively with
swimming pools.
This filter combination works under pressure. When it isn’t assembled properly or if air is
present in the filter circuits, serious injuries can be the result.
Regularly check whether the valve and the pipes are in good condition. Never use this
installation at pressure higher than 1.5 bar.