Instruction Manual
Vision2 License Management Screen
Login to the Vision
user interface using Internet Explorer and go to:
http://<server name>/v2.aspx
where server name is the name of your Vision
master server.
Go to
Manage System > Manage Licensing
to open the License Management Screen, (FIG. 39).
The screen consists of two columns. On the left is the System license column which shows all the licenses available/allocated for
your Vision
system. Each Vision
service has its own license. Allocating a license to a server allows users to use a service on that
server. On the right of the screen is the Allocated licenses column showing the list of Vision
servers installed in your system and a
list of licenses of each type allocated to each server.
There is one special row called V2-VOD this is used to allocated video on demand bandwidth to the servers in units of 10Mb/s
to determine how much video on demand bandwidth each machine can support. All servers which can support Archives are provided
with 10Mb/s by default (this does not come out of the Users VOD license allowance).
Live-Users indicates the number of users who are licensed to view Vision2 live channels using the Live Channels > View page.
Adding a License to a Vision2 Server
To add a license to a server, click on the row for the particular license in the System License table and drag and drop the license
onto the Server. licenses are ordered by type on the server, click the arrow to the left of the license name to view all the licenses of
this type.
The status of each service is indicated by a coloured circle:
FIG. 39
License Management
System Licenses Table Columns
License name
Total number of licenses of this type - this is
determined by your AMX license
Number of licenses allocated to Vision
Number of licenses of this type still available to
allocate to Vision2 servers
FIG. 40
Adding a license to a server - drop the new license on to the Server
Click arrow to expand
and view list of
licenses of this type
Number of licenses
of this type
Service disabled
Service enabled