© 2024 Harman. All rights reserved. SmartScale, NetLinx, Enova, AMX, AV FOR AN IT WORLD, and HARMAN, and their respective logos are registered
trademarks of HARMAN. Oracle, Java and any other company or brand name referenced may be trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective
AMX does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions. AMX also reserves the right to alter
without prior notice at any time. The AMX
Warranty and Return Policy and related documents can be viewed/downloaded at www.amx.com.
3000 RESEARCH DRIVE, RICHARDSON, TX 75082 AMX.com | 800.222.0193 | 469.624.8000 | +1.469.624.7400 | fax 469.624.7153
Last Revised: 2024-01-11
Warranty Terms and Conditions
For the following cases AMX shall charge for the service(s) claimed for the products if the product is still remediable
and the warranty card becomes unenforceable or inapplicable.
1. The original serial number (specified by AMX) labeled on the product has been removed, erased, replaced,
defaced or is illegible.
2. The warranty has expired.
3. The defects are caused by the fact that the product is repaired, dismantled or altered by anyone that is not from
an AMX authorized service partner. The defects are caused by the fact that the product is used or handled
improperly, roughly or not as instructed in the applicable User Guide.
4. The defects are caused by any force majeure including but not limited to accidents, fire, earthquake, lightning,
tsunami and war.
5. The service, configuration and gifts promised by salesman only but not covered by normal contract.
6. AMX preserves the right for interpretation of these cases above and to make changes to them at any time without