Displays your library organized into
genres. Select a genre and press the Enter Button
to view all artists tagged with that genre.
Navigate to the desired sorting option and press
the Enter Button to view the Media Library (see
Figure 15).
Figure 15 – Media Library
The Media Library lists the items (in this case,
albums) in your collection, with the current selec-
tion highlighted by a magnifying bar. The cover
art, or an icon if the cover art could not be
found, is highlighted. Press the Enter Button to
expand the album into a track view.
You may have noticed that letters appear
above the Numeric Keys on the remote. The DMC
1000 is capable of using alphabetic characters as
well as numbers, which allows you to search the
Media Library by entering the Numeric Key corre-
sponding to the first letter of your selection. Each
Numeric Key represents three letters. The first
press jumps to the selections beginning with the
first letter in the group, and the character-entry
dialog box appears. You may enter additional let-
ters to refine your search or change the first let-
ter by navigating to the Clear command and
repeatedly pressing the Numeric Key until the
desired letter appears in the text bar. Navigate to
the Done command when you have finished
entering a search term. Alphanumeric entry is
also used to edit content tags and to name
playlists. See Figure 16.
Figure 16 – Character-Entry Dialog Box
Use the
Navigation Buttons to scroll
through the playback options described below.
The availability of each of these options and
commands depends on how the Media Library is
Play Now:
The current selection is played
immediately, replacing other content in the
Play Queue. The Play Queue is a list of content
in line to be played. It is saved until the DMC
1000 is powered down to Full-Off mode (dim
Add to Queue:
The current selection is added
to the end of the Play Queue, and the media
currently playing continues until it is finished.
The Play Queue may be accessed from the
Main Menu.
Add to Playlist:
The current selection is
added to a new or existing playlist. A dialog
box will pop up, asking you to select from the
existing playlists or create a new one (see
Figure 17). The DMC 1000 is programmed with
several empty playlists named to fit different
moods or occasions, including Dance and
Dinner. Up to four playlists are shown at a
time. The playlists may be accessed from the
Main Menu.
Figure 17 – Select a Playlist
View Artists:
Available when the Media
Library is sorted by genre, this command dis-
plays all artists within the selected genre.
View Albums:
Available when the Media
Library is sorted by artist, this command
expands the current artist to view all of his or
her albums in the library.
View All Tracks:
Expands the current album
into a track view.
Open Playlist:
Available when the Media
Library is sorted by playlists, this command
opens the list.
Edit Name:
Available when the Media Library
is sorted by playlists, this command allows you
to rename the playlist if you no longer want to
use the name selected when the playlist was
Audio Playback From the Media Library
The DMC 1000’s Media Library makes it easy to
store all of your audio content in one place for
convenient playback in your main home theater
room, in three remote “zones” (if you have set up
the DMC 1000 as part of a multizone system), on
a device connected to a home network, or any-
where else when you transfer the content to
portable media.
When you first turn on the DMC 1000, the
assumption is that you will most likely want to
listen to content stored in your Media Library, and
the Main Menu (see Figure 14) is configured that
Figure 14 – Main Menu
Press the Enter Button to select the highlighted
“Play” option, and the DMC 1000 will offer you
a variety of sorting options. Large music collec-
tions may be easier to manage when sorted by
artist or album. As shown in Figure 14, you may
select from one of six possible sorts, or views, of
the Media Library.
Cover Art:
Displays a mosaic of album covers
retrieved by Gracenote MusicID when the DMC
1000 is connected to the Internet. Cover art
may be organized alphabetically by name, by
artist or in the order added, starting with the
most recent additions. As described below, use
Navigation Buttons to move
the “magnifying glass” to the desired album,
and press the Enter Button to see the playback
Displays all tracks individually in alpha-
betical order. The tracks may be organized alpha-
betically by name, artist, album or in the order
added, starting with the most recent additions.
Displays all artists in alphabetical order.
Select an artist and press the Enter Button to
view his or her albums.
Displays all albums in alphabetical
order. Select an album and press the Enter Button
to display its tracks.
Displays all playlists you have pro-
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