Reflex furler
Clamping Torsion Cable to Head Swivel Terminal - Tack Terminal
9. Slip shrink tubing over end and use heat
gun to cover end and main cable.
IMPORTANT! Be careful not to damage
cover of Reflex cable.
10. If assembling away from the boat,
lay cable out straight. Install tack swivel
terminal on drive unit. Install the threaded
IMPORTANT! Slide the heat-shrink tubing
onto the cable before slipping the cable
into the thimble.
Slip the cable into the
thimble and check to make sure the unit
is shorter than the (FH) full-hoist length
by the amount shown in the chart. Clamp
cable and use hacksaw to cut the cable
leaving a tail of:
Unit 1 - 90 mm (3.5")
Unit 2 - 100 mm (4")
Tip: Leave a longer tail if you are not
sure about measuerments. See following
pages on determining length at boat.
Stretch length
at load
Estimated stretch length at load
Full hoist (FH) length
Unit 1
Unit 2
14 to 16 m (45 to 53')
200 mm
16 to 18 m (53 to 59')
240 mm
9 1/2"
300 mm
18 to 20 m (59 to 66')
280 mm
350 mm
20 to 23 m (66 to 75')
320 mm
400 mm
23 to 25 m (75 to 82')
450 mm
Full hoist (FH)
11. Follow the procedure used to build the
head swivel terminal.
Note: Wait to shrink the heat-shrink tubing
until the sail is hoisted and sailed in case
length adjustments are necessary.
Wait to heat
shrink tubing