Periodically inspect SnubbAir and fasteners for wear, corrosion, and loosening. Tighten or replace
as necessary.
Every time you rinse the deck, flush the bearings and pawls with fresh water as shown on next
page. Make a solution of detergent and water and periodically squirt it in the slot between the drum
and the center hub. Rotate the drum. Rinse with fresh water while rotating the drum. See next page
for illustrations of flushing points.
IMPORTANT! Do not remove drum to
service SnubbAir. Balls will be lost.
Leave assembled and flush as directed.
The SnubAir provides line-holding power much like a ratchet except much more. It is perfect for
spinnaker trimming. With a couple wraps of sheet on the drum, the trimmer can hold upwards of
500 lbs with just thirty pounds of holding power on the tail. The sheet easily flips off the drum for
a gybe.
Do not remove this ring
and lift drum!
Balls will
fall out
Inspection and Maintenance