Monthly Maintenance
The following steps should be completed monthly to clean the KB125 Hardy Heater:
1. Burn down wood in the firebox to a coal bed.
2. Open the bypass damper (located on the front left side of the heater).
3. Open the firebox door.
4. Flip the blower switch off (located on the right side of the heater), light will turn on.
This will begin the off delay timer that is set for 5 minutes.
5. Rake the coals around, pushing any coal or burning wood to the right hand side of
the firebox with the provided fire poker.
6. Remove the powder ashes from the left side of the firebox with the provided shovel.
7. Move coal and burning wood to the left side of the firebox with the provided shovel.
8. Remove the powder ashes on the right side of the firebox with the provided shovel.
9. Open the ash door and remove the ashes with the provided shovel.
10. Close the ash door.
11. In rear of heater place ash scoop into slot below flue box door.
12. Open flue box door on rear of heater.
13. Close the bypass damper.
14. Remove the tubulators out of each 2” tube.
15. Push the provided 2” flue brush down each hole.
16. Put the tubulators back in each 2” tube.
17. Close flue door.
18. Remove ash scoop.
19. Open the bypass damper.
20. Load the heater firebox with the amount of wood needed for your application.
21. Close the firebox door.
22. Make sure all other doors are closed.
23. Close the bypass damper.
24. Flip the blower switch on, light will turn off. Keep in mind that the off delay timer
could still be timing.