Main Feature Description
DSO8000E Series HandHeld Oscilloscope User Manual 10
the input signal over each sample interval and uses these values to display the waveform. In this
way, the oscilloscope can acquire and display those narrow pulses that may have otherwise been
missed in
mode. However, noise will appear to be higher in this mode.
In this acquisition mode, the oscilloscope acquires several waveforms, averages them,
and displays the resulting waveform. You can use this mode to reduce random noise.
Equivalent Acquisition:
This kind of acquisition can be utilized for periodic signals. In case the
acquisition rate is too low when using the real-time acquisition, the oscilloscope will use a fixed
rate to acquire data with a stationary tiny delay after each acquisition of a frame of data. After
repeating this acquisition for N times, the oscilloscope will arrange the acquired N frames of data
by time to make up a new frame of data. Then the waveform can be recovered. The number of
times N is related to the equivalent acquisition rate.
Time Base:
The oscilloscope digitizes waveforms by acquiring the value of an input signal at
discrete points. The time base helps to control how often the values are digitized. Use the
TIME/DIV button to adjust the time base to a horizontal scale that suits your purpose.
4.4 Waveform Scaling and Positioning
The display of waveforms on the screen can be changed by adjusting their scale and position.
Once the scale changes, the waveform display will increase or decrease in size. Once the position
changes, the waveform will move up, down, right, or left.
The channel reference indicator (located on the left of the graticule) identifies each waveform on
the screen. It points to the ground level of the waveform record.
Vertical Scale and Position:
The vertical position of a waveform can be changed by moving it up
and down on the screen. To compare data, you may align a waveform over another. When you
push the VOLTS button to change the vertical scale of a waveform, the waveform display will
contract or expand vertically to the ground level.
Horizontal Scale and Position: Pretrigger Information
You can adjust the HORIZONTAL POSITION control to view waveform data before the trigger,
after the trigger, or some of each. When you change the horizontal position of a waveform, you are
actually changing the time between the trigger position and the screen center.
For example, if you want to find out the cause of a glitch in your test circuit, you should trigger on
the glitch and make the pretrigger period long enough to capture data before the glitch. Then you
can analyze the pretrigger data and perhaps find the cause. You are allowed to change the
horizontal scale of all the waveforms by clicking the TIME/DIV button. For example, you may want
to see just one cycle of a waveform to measure the overshoot on its rising edge. The oscilloscope
shows the horizontal scale as time per division in the scale readout. Since all active waveforms
use the same time base, the oscilloscope only displays one value for all the active channels.