Hanna Instruments HI 9829 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 73



The logged data from a probe or meter can be transferred to a PC using the

HI 929829



 compatible application software.


HI 929829

 offers a

variety of features and on-line-help is available.

HI 929829

 allows data to be imported into most spreadsheet programs (e.g.



, Lotus 1-2-3


). After the data has been imported into a spreadsheet, all

features of the spreadsheet program can be used to analyze and graph the


HI 929829

 will automatically generate a map for samples logged with GPS


HI 929829

 uses an external GPS tracking software such as

Google™ Maps to view locations where measurements have been taken, there-

fore an internet connection is required to use this function.


• Insert the installation CD into the PC.
• The software menu window should start automatically (if it does not, navigate

to the main CD folder and double-click “hi929829start.exe”). Click “Install

software” and follow the instructions.


• With the meter OFF, disconnect the probe.
• Connect the 

HI 7698291

 USB adapter to the

meter and to a USB port on the PC.

• Turn the meter ON and the message “PC con-

nected” will be displayed.

• Run the 

HI 929829

 application software.

• Press Setting button on the top of the screen and select the measurement units

you which your data to appear with.

• To access the meter data select the “Meter” button on the toolbar at the top of

the screen. The PC-Meter connection will be established and a new window

will be displayed with meter data: status information (software version and

date, SN, ID, GPS info, battery level and free memory info), as well as a sum-

mary of logged data lots. Both lots logged directly on the meter as well as lots

logged on a probe and downloaded to the meter can be saved to the PC by

pressing the “Download lot” button after the desired lot is selected.

• Once the lot has been downloaded, all the logged samples can be viewed.



  is a registered Trademark of “Microsoft Co.”

GOOGLE™ is a registered trademark of Google, Inc. HANNA instruments


 has no affiliation with Google™, Inc.

Содержание HI 9829

Страница 1: ...1 Instruction Manual HI 9829 Multiparameter Meter With available GPS logging probe turbidity and ion measurements...

Страница 2: ...2...

Страница 3: ...product Pleasereadthisinstructionmanualcarefullybeforeusingtheinstrument Itwillprovideyouwiththenecessaryinformationforcorrectuseofthe instrument aswellasit sversatility Ifyouneedadditionaltechnicalin...

Страница 4: ...19 4 2SensorPreparation Activation 21 4 3SensorInstallation 23 CHAPTER 5 INITIALIZATION AND MEASUREMENT 5 1BatteryInstallation 25 5 2MeterInitialization 27 5 3MeasurementMode 28 5 4SetupMenuStructure...

Страница 5: ...al 56 CHAPTER 10 STATUS 10 1MeterStatus 58 10 2ProbeStatus 58 10 3GLPData 59 CHAPTER 11 LOGGING MODE 63 11 1Loggingmenustructure 65 11 2LoggingonMeter 65 11 3ProbeLog 67 11 4LogRecall 68 11 5LogNotes...

Страница 6: ...eusedonbothprobemodels Differentcombinationsofmeters probes sensorsandaccessoriescanbeor deredeitherinpredefinedconfigurationsorindividually SeeAppendixDfor orderingconfigurations Forexample orderingc...

Страница 7: ...talledatanynumberofsamplingsites The HI 9829featuresagraphic backlitdisplaythatautomaticallysizesthe digitstofitthescreenwithon screengraphingcapability Eachparameterisfully configurable HI9829wasdesi...

Страница 8: ...ty 1 4 DISPLAY KEYBOARD DESCRIPTION 1 GraphicLCD 2 Batterylevelindicator 3 Softkeyfunctions 4 Leftsoftkey functiondefinedondisplay 5 On Offkey turnthemeteronandoff 6 Lampkey turnthebacklightonandoff 7...

Страница 9: ...nnector3 blue ForeitherECorEC turbiditysensor Positiontheconnectorkeytowardsthecenteroftheprobe makesure theconnectorisseatedcorrectly thesensorwillnolongermovefreely beforetighteningthelockingthreads...

Страница 10: ...onfiguredtodisplayasinglemeasurementor upto12simultaneousmeasurementsbyusingthenumbers1 7onthekeypad Usethearrowkeystoscrollthroughthemeasurementsnotbeingdisplayed Seesection5 3formoredetails Themeasu...

Страница 11: ...toentersetupmode Youcanconfigurewhichparametersyou wanttomeasure calibratethesensors changesystemsettings accesstheGPS menuandviewthemeterandprobestatus 2 3 HELP FUNCTION HI9829featurescontextsensitiv...

Страница 12: ...tomaticrecognition of 5 standard buffers pH 4 01 6 86 7 01 9 18 10 01 and1custombuffer ORP Range 2000 0 mV Resolution 0 1 mV Accuracy 1 0 mV Calibration Automaticat1custompoint relativemV DISSOLVED OX...

Страница 13: ...custompoint RESISTIVITY Range 0 to 999999 cm dependingonmeasurementsetup 0 to 1000 0 k cm 0 to 1 0000 M cm Resolution Dependingonresistivityreading Calibration Basedonconductivityorsalinitycalibration...

Страница 14: ...FNU Resolution 0 1 FNU from 0 0 to 99 9 FNU 1 FNU from 100 to 1000 FNU Accuracy 0 3 FNU or 2 of reading whicheverisgreater Calibration Automatic 1 2 or 3 points at 0 20 and 200 FNU or custom ISE Ammon...

Страница 15: ...3mmHgwithin 15 Cfromcalibrationtemperature Calibration Automaticat1custompoint METER SPECIFICATIONS TemperatureCompensation Automatic from 5 to 55 C 23 to 131 F Logging Memory 44 000 records continuou...

Страница 16: ...tinguseconsumethemostpower ThetablevariablesareGPS batteryselectionandparameterselection Note WhenaHI7629829 loggingprobeisconnectedtoameter itusesthemeter spower pH ORP DO EC enabled pH ORP DO EC and...

Страница 17: ...7629829 442mm 17 4 without cable dia 46mm 1 8 dia 46 mm 1 8 HI 7619829 382 mm 15 1 HI 7639829 482 mm 19 0 dia 46mm 1 8 dia 46 mm 1 8 Weight HI 7609829 570g 20 1 oz HI 7629829 775g 27 3 oz with batteri...

Страница 18: ...42S none Solution storagesolution storagesolution D O electrolyte Dimensions 118 x 15 mm 118 x 15 mm 99 x 17 mm 111 x 17 mm Depth 20 m 65 20 m 65 20 m 65 20 m 65 HI 7609829 4 HI 7609829 10 HI 7609829...

Страница 19: ...e Note Seesection4 2 1forpHpreparation Seesection4 2 2forORPactivation HI7609829 2Galvanicdissolvedoxygen D O sensor Thethingaspermeablemembraneisolatesthe sensorelementsfromthetestingsolutionbutallow...

Страница 20: ...orusedfor thedetectionoffreechlorideionsinfreshwatersamples Thesensorutilizesa silverchloridepellethousedinaPEIheadandasilver silverchloridedouble junctiongelfilledreferenceelectrode Thissensorisusedi...

Страница 21: ...ingORPvalue mV ishigher thanthevaluesinthetablebelow anoxidizingpretreatmentisnecessary Ifthe valueislower areducingpretreatmentisnecessary pH mV pH mV pH mV pH mV pH mV 0 990 1 920 2 860 3 800 4 740...

Страница 22: ...attheconnec torandshakeitdown likeamercurythermometer Conditionthesensorby soaking it in a small amount of HI 9829 10 10 ppm NH4 N standard for at leasta1 2hour 4 2 6 Chloride Sensor Preparation Remov...

Страница 23: ...nium Chloride Nitrate Connector 2 D O Connector 3 EC or EC Turbidity Tomakeinstallationeasier thesensorshavecolor codedcapsandthesockets areidentifiedwithcoloredtriangles Note TheEC Turbiditysensorwit...

Страница 24: ...swithyourfingers Continuetotightenthelockingthreadswiththetoolsuppliedinthemainte nancekituntilthesensorissecuredtightlyagainsttheprobebody Toprotectthesensors screwtheprotectiveshieldontotheprobebody...

Страница 25: ...blebatterieswithnonrechargeblealkalinebat teries movetheswitchinthebatterycompart mentupward Awarningmessageisdisplayedifyou connectthechargingcabletoameterwith alkalinebatteries Nonrechargeable alkal...

Страница 26: ...argebatteriesfromaautomotiveauxiliarypoweroutlet useHI710046 cable ConnecttheHI710046cabletotheprobeconnectoronthemeterandto theauxiliaryplug Thebatterycharginganimationwillbedisplayed Acompletebatter...

Страница 27: ...SCREEN Theprobestatusscreenidentifiestheprobeandattachedsensors Non logging probesareidentifiedasHI7609829andloggingprobesareidentifiedas HI 7629829 Twoactivesoftkeysarefoundatthebottomofthestatusscre...

Страница 28: ...willautomaticallyresizethefont Pressthe up and down arrowstoscrollthroughtheenabledparametersif theydonotfitononescreen Note Aflashingmeasurementvalueindicatesthatthemeasurementisoutof range Aflashing...

Страница 29: ...29 5 4 SETUP MENU STRUCTURE...

Страница 30: ...nthe list Note Ifthepasswordprotectionisenabled youwillberequiredtoenterthe passwordbeforeanyparameterscanbemodified 6 2 PARAMETER UNITS 6 2 1 Temperature Unit Theusercanselectthemeasurementunit C F o...

Страница 31: ...withoneofthefollowingoptions Auto themeterautomaticallychoosestherange tooptimizethemeasurement Readingscanbein S cmormS cm AutomS cm themeterautomaticallychoosesthe rangetooptimizethemeasurement read...

Страница 32: ...tkeytoselectthe desired option 20 C or at 25 C The default value is 25 C 6 3 2 EC Temperature Coefficient ThetemperaturecoefficientBeta isdefinedby the following equation using 25 C as an ex ample EC2...

Страница 33: ...owhenloggingthefirstsamplewillbe delayedbyafewsecondsifaveragingisused 6 5 TURBIDITY AVERAGING Turbidityaveragingis softwarefiltertominimize noise and provide more stable readings for turbidity This p...

Страница 34: ...alibrationrequirementsvarywithdeploymentconditions forexampleveryturbid biologically activewatersmayrequiremorefrequentcleaningsandcalibrations thancleanerwaters Generalcalibrationguidelinesarelistedb...

Страница 35: ...ngwiththe Notready message WhenthepHsignalisstable the Ready messageappears Press Confirm tostorethe calibrationdata The Storing messagewillappearasthe calibrationproceedstothenextsensor A checkmarkwi...

Страница 36: ...heemptycalibrationbeakerontheprobebody Thebeakershouldnot bedry Press Accept toclosethedisplayedmessage Whenthemeasurementisstable Ready appears Press Confirm tostorethe calibrationdataandthe Storing...

Страница 37: ...brationisperformed allolddataareoverwritten whilewith asingleor2 pointcalibrationthemeterwillalsouseinformationfromtheprevious calibration 7 2 1 Preparation Pour small quantities of the selected buffe...

Страница 38: ...Storing followedby Calibrationcompleted willbedisplayed Press OK to return to the Calibration menu Press Measure toreturntothemeasurementscreen Custombuffercalibration TheHI9829permitsasinglecustombu...

Страница 39: ...oofarfromtheselectedbuffer value Thisisoftenseenimmediatelyafterabuffercalibrationhasbeen completedbutbeforethepHsensorhasbeenmovedtothenextbuffer Check ifthecorrect calibrationbufferhasbeenselected I...

Страница 40: ...omtheprevious calibration 7 3 1 Preparation Prepackagedstandardsareavailableinsingleusesachets RinsetheISEwith waterandshakeoffexcesswater Theprocedurealwaysuses10ppmfirst 7 3 2 Procedure Cutopenthe10...

Страница 41: ...lectrode ORPvaluesarenottemperature compensated althoughORPvaluescanchangewithtemperature e g reference electrodepotentialchanges sampleequilibriumchanges Itisimportanttoreport ORPvalues togetherwitht...

Страница 42: ...rationcompleted PressOKtoreturntotheCalibrationmenu Press Measure toreturntothemeasurementscreen Torestorethefactorycalibrationdata selectthecorrespondingoptioninthe ORPcalibration menuandthenpress Se...

Страница 43: ...o 500 Procedure Tocalibrateat100 fillthecalibrationbeaker withapproximately4 mm 5 32 ofwaterand screwitontotheprobe Themembraneshould notbewet Thisconditioncorrespondstoair 100 saturatedwithoxygenandw...

Страница 44: ...Thesolutionsused to calibrate with should be determined independently forinstancebyWinklertitration PlacetheD O sensorwith temperaturesensorintotheknownsolution Fromthe DOcalibration menu selectthe DO...

Страница 45: ...ueatthecurrent temperature The Salinity optionallowscalibrationwithastandardsalinitysolution The3calibrationsarerelated sothateachonewillcalibrateall3measurements Note Toimproveaccuracy chooseacalibra...

Страница 46: ...tscreen AbsoluteConductivity Select Absoluteconductivity fromthe Conduc tivitycalibration menu Usethekeypadtoenterthecustomvaluewith thedesiredresolution Press Accept tocon firm Fillthecalibrationbeak...

Страница 47: ...ionbeakerwithstandardovertheECsensoranddislodge anytrappedgasbubbles Screwthebeakerintoplace Waitforthereadingtostabilize Thestabilitytimerwillcountdownand Con firm willappear Notethetemperatureandadj...

Страница 48: ...ppedwithstandardsmadefor anotherturbiditysensormodel Verifythesensoriscleanbeforecalibrating TheuseoftheHI7698293calibration beakerisrequiredforthisprocedure Calibrationisrequiredeverytimethesensorisr...

Страница 49: ...sensor into the 200 0 FNU calibrationbeaker Observetheprecautions notedaboveforbubbles Whenthereadingisstablethedisplayshows the Ready message Press Confirm toacceptthethirdpointand savethecalibration...

Страница 50: ...Confirm willbedisplayed Press Confirm tostorethecalibrationpoint Afterconfirmation thefollowingmessagesare displayed Storing and Calibrationcompleted Press OK toreturntothe Calibration menu Press Meas...

Страница 51: ...storethecalibrationpoint Afterconfirmation thefollowingmessagesaredisplayed Storing and Cali brationcompleted Press Measure toreturntothemeasurementscreen Press OK toreturntothe Calibration menu Tores...

Страница 52: ...unction Press Modify andsetthetimeusingthekey pad Press Accept tosavethetime Whenus ingthe12hourformat pressAorPonthekey padforAMorPMafteryousetthetime Press Format tochangebetween12and24 hourformats...

Страница 53: ...meinterval Thedefaultvalueis notused 8 1 4 Key Beep Ifenabled anacousticsignalsoundseverytime akeyispressed Acheckedboxindicatesthisfunc tionhasbeenenabled Thedefaultsettingisdis abled 8 1 5 Error Bee...

Страница 54: ...Themeterreturnstothe MeterSetup menu Thecheckboxcorrespondingto themeterpasswordischecked To disable the password protection highlight Meter Password and press Modify enterthepasswordandthenpress Dis...

Страница 55: ...ndthenpress Accept Amaximumof14characterscanbeused 8 2 2 Probe Password TheProbePasswordprotectstheprobeagainstunauthorizedconfiguration changesandlogdataerasure Whenimplemented manysettingandfunction...

Страница 56: ...rneroftheLCD Iftheantennasymbolisblinking the satelliteacquisitionisnotyetcompletedorthesignalstrengthisnotsufficient Signalstrengthcanbeimprovedbymovingoutdoorsandawayfrombuildings andtrees Theuserca...

Страница 57: ...unit off when the meter is in continuousloggingmodewithalogginginterval of at least 4 minutes The GPS unit will turn off aftereachmeasurementandturnonagain3 minutesbeforethenextmeasurementistaken Ift...

Страница 58: ...down toscrollthrough the status screens Press ESC to return to the Status menu 10 2 PROBE STATUS Select ProbeStatus todisplayinformationrelated totheprobetype connectedsensors batterylevel logging ifl...

Страница 59: ...toryallows theusertodetectwhenreadingsstart to change and sensors may require cleaningorreplacement pH Fromthe GLP menu selectthe pH option DataregardingthelastpHcalibrationwillbe displayed offset aci...

Страница 60: ...the GLP menuselectthe ORP option DataregardingthelastORPcalibrationwillbe displayed calibrationpoint timeanddate Usethearrowkeystoscrollthroughthestored dataforthelast5calibrations PressESCtoreturntot...

Страница 61: ...value calibrationtype conductivity absolute conductivityorsalinity timeanddateofthecali bration Usethearrowkeystoscrollthroughthestoreddataforthelast5calibrations Notes A C letterneartheconductivityc...

Страница 62: ...temperaturecalibrationhasbeenperformedorifcalibration wasclearedusingthe Restorefactorycalib optiontheoffsetvalueis settodefault andthemessage Factorycalibration isdisplayed Press ESC toreturntothepre...

Страница 63: ...63 Chapter 11 LOGGING MODE TheHI 9829andHI76x9829systemoffersmanyloggingoptionsthatcan becombinedbasedonuserneeds Thefollowingfiguresdescribetheavail ableloggingoptions...

Страница 64: ...64...

Страница 65: ...rareorganizedby lots Upto44 000complete records can be storedinupto100lots Eachlotcanstorelog on demandrecordsand orcontinuousrecords withdifferentparameterconfigurations 11 1 LOGGING MENU STRUCTURE F...

Страница 66: ...tlot Thiswilladdthenew sampledatatoanexistinglot Anewlotcan also be created by pressing New Press OK tologthesampleintheselectedlot Onthe Remarks window select Yes togo totheRemarksscreen Press No tos...

Страница 67: ...ROBE LOG only for logging probes Select Start probe log to start a log with the currentsettings Press Options tochangethe logsettings ProbeLogOptions Toeditthelotremark ortag seesection11 5 Theloginte...

Страница 68: ...Select Meterlogrecall toviewlogsthatarestored onthemeter Themeterwillshowthenumberof availablelots Select Lots toviewordeleteindi viduallots Usethearrowkeystoselectthedesiredlotand thenpress View The...

Страница 69: ...hegraph andhighlightasample Thesampledataaredis playedbelowthegraph PressESCtoreturntotheparameterlist PressESCagaintoreturntothemenu Note Thenumberoflotsamplesthatcanbeplot tedislimitedbythedisplayre...

Страница 70: ...wnloadedtothe meter awarningmessagewillbedisplayedif youtrytodownloaditagain Deletealllots From Probelogrecall select Deletealllots andthemeterwilldisplaythe message Doyouwanttoperformthecurrentoperat...

Страница 71: ...enthematchingconnectoronthemetercontactsthetag loggedmeasurementsarelabeledwiththetagserialnumberandtag identifier TagconfigurationisaccessedthroughtheLogmenu Readtag Selectthe Readtag optiontoviewand...

Страница 72: ...thetagID Note IftheinsertedIDisnotpresentinmemory awarningmessagewillbe displayed Addtagmanually Select Addtagmanually toenteranIDcodeforatagwithoutusingthetag reader e g ifthetagisnotphysicallyavaila...

Страница 73: ...29829start exe Click Install software andfollowtheinstructions 12 2 METER TO PC CONNECTION WiththemeterOFF disconnecttheprobe ConnecttheHI7698291USBadaptertothe meterandtoaUSBportonthePC TurnthemeterO...

Страница 74: ...74 MetertoPCdata a Selectparameterunits b SelectMeterfromtoolbar c SelectLot d SelectMap...

Страница 75: ...ctingtotheprobe PressSTARTonthe Windows taskbarandselect Controlpanel IntheControlPanel select System Hardware DeviceManager Ports ThePorts menushowsthenumberofthevirtualCOMportassociatedwiththe HI 76...

Страница 76: ...76 ProbeInfoScreen LotDataScreen...

Страница 77: ...fromthemetertotheprobe istoolowand themeasurementscouldbeadverselyaffected Allparameterssetonprobearedisabled Press leftsoftkey checktheconnectionbetweenmeter andprobe Iftheproblempersists contactthe...

Страница 78: ...argeableCbat teriesorreplacethealkalinebatteriestocon tinue Insertrechargeablebatteriesandslidebattery selectorswitchtothedownposition Thismes sageappearswhennon rechargeablealkaline batteriesareinsta...

Страница 79: ...umericcode Restartthemeter Iftheproblempersists contacttheHANNA servicecenter Somemeter probefeaturescanbeaccessedbutwithnoguar antee Errorsx Anycriticalerrorsthatappearareidentifiedusinganumericcode...

Страница 80: ...heywillnotbeusedforaperiodoftime CheckGLPdataunder Status toensurethesensorisstillfunctioning properly pH and pH ORP Sensor Maintenance Removethesensorprotectivecap Donotbealarmedifanysaltdepositsare...

Страница 81: ...hesupplied brushoranon abrasivedetergent Ensurethatthetwocylindricalholesinthe sensorarefreeofforeignmaterial EC Turbidity Sensor Maintenance Aftereveryseriesofmeasurements rinsetheprobewithtapwater I...

Страница 82: ...tappearstarnished useapolishingstriptoremovetheoxidizedsurface Cutoffapproximatelya1 inch pieceofthestrip Wetthefrostedsidewithwaterandplaceagainstdam agedsurface Placeyourthumbagainsttheshinybacking...

Страница 83: ...thoutadequatewatercirculation Toprotectequipmentitisbesttoavoid exposuretowind foam turbulence airtemperaturegradients sun extended periodsofhighflow extendedperiodsofhighsedimentandfloatingdebris The...

Страница 84: ...orfluidcavitation Limitflowratetomoderate MountProbe0to45 anglefromverticaltoavoidsensors pH pH ORP ISE frombecomingelectricallydiscontinuousduetointernalelectrolytes flowingawayfromtheirinternalcells...

Страница 85: ...loridedoublejunctiongelfilled referenceelectrode TheouterbodyofthesensoristhethermoplasticPEI This sensorisusedinplaceofthepH The measurement of ammonium nitrogen NH4 N is a useful tool in the measure...

Страница 86: ...illnolongercalibrateoroperateproperly Thelifetimeofthe sensordependsgreatlyondeploymentconditions AlthoughHI7609829 10isselectivetowardammoniumions italsoresponds tootherionswhichcaninterferewiththeme...

Страница 87: ...hemeasurementofchloride Cl isausefultoolinthemeasurementofsurface watercontaminantssuchastracingthesourceofroadwayrunofforstudying naturallyoccurringchloridelevelsinnaturalwaters HI 7609829 11isanion...

Страница 88: ...e chloride ion sensitivity can react with water contaminantsorbeleachedoutofthesensorwithcontinuedexposure Asthe sensoragestherewillbeadecreasedsensitivityuntilthesensorwillnolonger calibrateoroperate...

Страница 89: ...ionsrunofforstudyingnutrientlevelsinnaturalwaters HI7609829 12 isanionselectivesensorthatrespondstothefreenitrateion Althoughallformsofnitrogenincludingnitrogengas N2 areinterconvertible withinthenitr...

Страница 90: ...embranewith continuedexposure Asthesensoragestherewillbeadecreasedsensitivityuntil thesensorwillnolongercalibrateoroperateproperly Thelifetimeofthesensor dependsgreatlyondeploymentconditions AlthoughH...

Страница 91: ...O EC EC turbidity temperature with HI 7698296 long protectiveshieldand4meter 13 1 cable HI 7619829 10 HI 7609829 probe for pH pH ORP ISE D O EC EC turbidity temperature with HI 7698296 long protectiv...

Страница 92: ...ctiveshieldand10meter 33 cable probemaintenance kit manual chargingcableadapter for115VAC HI 98293 02 Same as HI 98293 01 for 230VAC HI 98294 01 HI 9829 and HI 7639829 10 logging probe for pH pH ORP I...

Страница 93: ...cableadapter for 115VAC HI 98298 02 Same as HI 98298 01 for 230VAC SENSORS HI 7609829 0 pHsensor HI 7609829 1 pH ORPsensor HI 7609829 2 DissolvedOxygensensor HI 7609829 3 ECsensor HI 7609829 4 EC Turb...

Страница 94: ...carrying case for HI 9829 QUICK CALIBRATION SOLUTIONS HI 9828 25 Quickcalibrationsolution 500mL HI 9828 27 Quickcalibrationsolution 1gal pH BUFFERS HI 5004 pH 4 01 buffer solution 500 mL HI 5046 pH 4...

Страница 95: ...oragesolution 500mL DO SOLUTIONS HI 7040L Zerooxygensolution 500mL HI 7042S ElectrolytesolutionforDOsensor 30mL HI 76409A P SparemembranewithO ring 5pcs CONDUCTIVITY STANDARD SOLUTIONS HI 7030L 12880...

Страница 96: ...for HI 7609829 10 25 x 25 mL sachet HI 9829 12 10 ppm chloride standard for HI 7609829 11 25 x 25 mL sachet HI 9829 13 100 ppm chloride standard for HI 7609829 11 25 x 25 mL sachet HI 9829 14 10 ppm...

Страница 97: ...rfromtheCustomerServicedepartment andthensenditwithshippingcostsprepaid Whenshippinganyinstrument makesureitisproperlypackagedforcomplete protection RecommendationsforUsers Beforeusingthisproduct make...

Страница 98: ...98...

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