Turn ON the power switch (#14
on page 8): the red SMS disable
LED lights up and will stay in this
state until the start-up procedure
ended and the idle mode is en-
During start-up procedure the Real Time Clock (RTC) is
checked to control if a reset occurred since last software ini-
tialization. In this case, the RTC is initialized with the default
date and time 01/01/2000 - 00:00. An EEPROM reset does
not affect the RTC settings.
The EEPROM is also checked to control if it is new. In this
case, the default values are copied from ROM and the de-
vice enters normal mode. Otherwise an EEPROM checksum
test is performed (the same is performed periodically during
EEPROM selftest procedure, see “Fault Condition and Selftest
Procedure” section for more details).
If checksum is not correct, the proper EEPROM error LED
indication will be given as soon as the Idle state is entered.
During start-up, the internal cellular phone is turned ON
and an initialization procedure is performed to insert PIN
code and make network registration for enabling incoming
and outcoming calls. Moreover, the telephone answering
service is disabled to avoid automatic network call forward-
ing if interface is busy and can not serve immediately incoming
Initialization procedure can last up to 30 seconds if no prob-
lem occurs, otherwise some more time could be needed and
proper cellular LED indication will be given in idle state.
When the start-up procedure is complete, the interface enters
the idle state.
When the
is turned ON for the first time, it is
possible to get a cellular error indication. This can happen if
the SIM card requests a PIN code to be registered in the
network and the interface was not yet configured (see “Local
configuration” section for details).
To substitute battery, please follow below instructions:
1. turn off the
: turn OFF the power switch and
disconnect the interface from the mains;
2. remove the screws on the bottom of the two battery clips;
3. disconnect the battery cable from its connector;
4. substitute the old battery with a new one;
5. fix back the two girdles by tightening the screws;
6. connect the battery cable to the connector;
7. connect the interface to the mains;
8. turn ON the power switch.
Pay attention that the battery cable is correctly connected to
the battery connector, otherwise an alarm SMS will be sent
immediately after the start-up procedure (see “Fault Condi-
tion” section for details).
If the interface is powered on immediately after a battery substi-
tution, it is possible that an alarm SMS of “Battery failure” is
sent. Ignore that message and check if the error is still active the
day after. For avoiding this problem, connect the unit to the
mains and wait for at least 10 hours before turning ON the
power switch. In this manner the new battery can be charged.
Before using the
, insert a SIM card.
• Press the SIM card holder ejector on the cellular module
by using a sharp item (for example, a pen);
• Insert the SIM card in the holder and push it back in the
If the
has to be used for sending alarm
SMS, be sure that the SIM card can support voice
calls. If the
will be used for remote con-
nection session, be sure that the SIM card supports
data calls. Please contact the cellular network op-
erator for information about SIM active services.
Do not remove the SIM card while voltage is applied
to cellular phone. Before removing the card, turn off
the interface. Failure to do so may seriously affect
the serviceability of the