Step 5.
Using a 1/16" drill bit, drill two pilot holes for the horn.
After the holes are drilled, you will want to put a drop of CA glue
in each hole to help strengthen the balsa. You will have to re-
drill the holes after the CA has cured.
Step 6.
Mount the control horn using the two screws. Carefully
screw in the screws and engage the plastic plate on the other
side. We recommend covering the area around the horn with
masking tape to prevent damage to the covering in case the
screwdriver slips.
Step 7.
Repeat the process in Steps 2–6 for the left elevator.
Once the control horns are mounted on the elevators, they can
be removed while the rudder control horn is being installed. The
elevators will be permanently hinged later.
Step 8.
Locate the remaining control horn and associated hard-
ware. The top of the rudder control horn is located 1
" up from
the bottom of the rudder. Measure and mark the left side of the
rudder (as the pilot is sitting in the cockpit). This is the side the
rudder linkage will be attached.
Step 9.
Trial fit the rudder control horn centered on your mark
and make sure the portion of the horn with the holes is centered
over the hinge line of the rudder. If not, adjust as necessary. It's
important the rudder control horn be centered on the hinge line
of the vertical stabilizer/rudder.
Step 10.
When you're satisfied, mark the two screw holes with
a felt-tipped pen or pencil. The horn location should not interfere
with the movement of the elevators up or down.
Step 11.
Drill the holes using the same procedure in Step 5.
Use caution when drilling so the covering is not damaged.
Step 12.
Carefully mount the rudder control horn using the
same method as previously described.
Section 6: Installing the Elevator
and Rudder Control Horns