Hangar 9 P-51 Mustang 60 ARF Assembly Manual
Step 6
Use three #2 x 3/8-inch sheet metal screws and a #1 Phillips
screwdriver to attach the antenna mast mount to the top of
the fuselage. Position the mount so it is centered 4-inches
(101mm) behind the edge of the canopy hatch as shown.
Make sure to harden the holes with CA when installing the
Step 7
Insert the antenna mast into the mount. The antenna can be
easily removed to prevent it from becoming damaged while
transporting your aircraft.
: The following steps are required to install the
radiator exhaust for the electric version of your aircraft.
This will allow air to pass through the fuselage to
provide cooling for the batteries. You can still install
the exhaust for a glow-powered aircraft, but it is not
necessary to do so.
Step 8
Use hobby scissors and a hobby knife with a #11 blade to
remove the center from the radiator scoop template.
Step 9
Place the radiator exhaust template on the bottom of the
fuselage. It is shaped to fit snugly on the fuselage. Use
low-tack tape to secure the template to the bottom of the