Required Parts
• Fin/Rudder assembly
• #4 washer (4)
• Stabilizer/Elevator assembly • Wing nut (2)
• 3mm x 10mm machine screw (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• Threadlock
• Scissors
• Phillips screwdriver: #2
Step 1
Locate the fin and stabilizer assemblies. The threaded rods
from the fin will fit into the holes that are pre-drilled in the
stabilizer as shown.
Step 2
Slide the two #4 washers onto the threaded rods from the
bottom of the stabilizer.
Step 3
Use scissors to cut the end of the tube of threadlock. Cut
only the corner so the application of the threadlock can be
controlled easier than if the whole end were cut off.
Step 4
Apply a drop of threadlock onto each of the threaded rods.
Section 2: Fin and Stabilizer Installation