4. Usage
You can change the configuration of HPS-120 using Hyper Terminal.
4.1. Hyper Terminal Settings
Baud Rate: 9600 bps / Data Bit: 8 / Parity Bit: None / Stop Bit: 1 / Flow Control: None /
Emulation: VT100
4.2. Configuration
4.2.1. Start Configuration
Step 1: Plug a HPS-120 into a COM port of PC. And Power it on.
Step 2: Open a Hyper Terminal and set it up.
Step 3: Push the RST button on HPS-120. If you enter the configuration mode successfully, LNK
LED will be flashing every second.
Step 4: Hit the <Enter> key, 5 second later.
Step 5: Change the configuration of HPS-120 with commands, if necessary.
4.2.2. Usage Printing
If you are in the configuration mode, type “?” key. You will see the usage. All commands and
parameters are case sensitive. And you cannot use a <Backspace>.
4.2.3. After Configuration
After finishing the configuration, you have to execute a command “X” to apply changes.