P600 Lift
- User Guide (753102)
Rev: 14 MAR 2017
Page: 13
Basics in transferring an individual … continued
Caution: Prior to removing the sling straps from the carry bar hooks be sure to check that
the individual is securely and safely supported in the final desired position.
Step 8)
Lower the lift sufficiently to allow the sling straps to be easily removed taking care not to let it come
in contact with the individual in the sling.
Step 7)
Once at the desired location the individual in the sling can be lowered/raised to the correct height in
order to complete the transfer. On completion of lowering/raising ensure that the individual is properly posi-
tioned and safely supported prior to removing the straps of the sling.
Caution: Always be cautious when moving an individual along the track. Watch out for and
avoid any obstructions that may cause injury to the lift or individual in the sling.
Caution: Always be cautious when lowering/raising an individual who is in the sling of the
lift. Watch out for and avoid any obstructions that may cause injury to the individual.
Step 6)
Once at the correct height the individual can be moved along the track to the desired location.
Step 10)
The lift should now be raised sufficiently and moved away from the immediate area of the
individual that was transferred. The lift should be turned off .
Step 9)
The straps of the sling can now be removed from the carry bar hooks. The sling can then be removed
from the individual and stored in a safe place until next use.
Step 11)
The lift can now be removed from track, relocated to another track, or stored in a safe place until
next use. It is recommended that the lift be charged when not in operation. Refer to the section titled
Charging the lift
” for details on charging.
Caution: Always use extreme care when removing the lift from the track. Lower the lift such that
it is securely resting on a stable object such as a dresser, cart or table prior to removal. Use extreme
care when re-locating the lift. Be sure it is securely held during transport.
Step 5)
The individual may now be raised with the use of the UP button on the hand control or front panel but-
ton. While lifting is in progress the height required in order for the transfer to be completed should be closely ob-
served. Ensure that the individual being lifted will not be injured by any obstructions during the initial lifting.
Caution: Always use extreme care when removing the lift from the track. Lower the lift such that
it is securely resting on a stable support object such as a dresser, cart or table prior to removal. This
may be performed by either of the following methods:
1) Lower the lift so that the top of the P-600 is just below the surface of the support then lift the
P-600 onto it or;
2) Lower the P-600 on the support then with your spare hand apply gentle tension to the lifting strap
to keep it taut while operating the down function with the other hand, noting this does not require
force or lifting the P-600
Use extreme care when re-locating the lift. Be sure it is securely held during transport.