Страница 1: ...ilfiIAüS 5 INSTRUCTION MANUAL ...
Страница 2: ...ductsMemoryModule Theseextendedmemoryproductsare the Iatestadditionto our raprdlygrowíng famtlyof custom hand held state of the art electronics Tofamíharizeyourselfwith theMemory Module íf is important that youread this entirebrochurebeforeSetttng started ...
Страница 3: ...asable Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM expansion TheEPROMcarrierversions of the 71M M s allowyou to addressup to 32 Kbytesof software in EPROM RAM EPROMexpansion The 32KRAM132K EPROMversionof the M M s provides32Kof RAM aswellasup to 32KofEPROM As you cansee the additionof HandHeldProducts 71MemoryModulesdramatically increases the memoryof your HP 7I computer Installation of anyof the77M M s t...
Страница 4: ...stallation is verysimple No toolsare necessary 1 Türnoffthe HP 7I 2 TürntheHP 71overandremovethecoverto the card reader port 3 Removethe plasticinsert 4 Installthe77M M bValigning thegoldpinsin the HP 7Iwiththesockets in the 71M M Presson thebackof the 7lMlM untilit fitssnuglyin place W m l o W i ...
Страница 5: ...y ylift ace 5 TurntheHP 71right side up andmakecertainthe nameplate of the M M isflushwith the front of the HP 77 6 Replacethe cover to the card readerport ...
Страница 6: ...rylossmaystilloccur uponinitialinstallation Werecommend back up of allfilesbeforeremoving or installing any module Becareful not to pressanykeyson theHP 71when installing aTIMlM Makecertainthe77 M M is seatedfirmlyin position beforeturningon theHP 71 o Do not forcethe TIMIM intotheport The TIMIM willfit snuglybutthesockets on the 71M M must beproperlyaligned withthepinsin theHP 71 7l Th th ca sa o...
Страница 7: ...he M M is pushedas straightout aspossible 4 Replace the plasticinsert 5 Replace theport cover Using the 71 M M RAM HandHeldProducts 71MemoryModules offer you theflexibility of usingyourextended memoryin two ways Main Memory Whena 71RAM M M isinstalled youhaveinstantly added32K 64K or 96Kbytes of RAM to yourHP 71 Thisadditional memorybecomes a part of Main RAMin yourHP 71 A simpleMEMtestwillshow th...
Страница 8: ...port 5 0 64K port5 0and5 01 96K ports 5 0 5 01 and5 02 Toshowthe amountof additionalRAM when partitioned typeSHOWPORTIEÑDIINB Executionof the SHOWPORTcommandwill displaythe port numberwherethe additional memoryresides memorycapacity in bytes anda memorytypeof 1 indicating independent RAM Note Otherindependent memoryconfigurations in increments of 32Kareavailable ConsultHandHeld Productsfor further...
Страница 9: ...moved fromtheHP 71i e thereisno drainon the M M s batterywhileinstalled in theHP 71 Wheninstalled in theHP 71 all71M M s arepowered by the HP 71 s powersource Thesnap on coverwhich isprovidedwithyour 7lMlM isextremely important with regardto the batterylifeof your 32KRAM and 64KRAM MemoryModule The cover should be placed on the M M immediately upon the removal of the module from the HP 71and must ...
Страница 10: ...ar morefrequently yourbatterybacked up M M will retainits memoryeverlonger Once again to maximize the life of the battery the snap on cover must be on the M M any time the Module is outside the HP 71 Note Normal use is considered asleaving the M M inside the HP 71approximately 80o o of the time Underthis conditionyour batterylifeshouldextendup to 5 years It is a simpletaskto replacethe batteryin y...
Страница 11: ...The EPROM functions the samein both versions o Opening the case The7l M M s are enclosedin plasticcaseswhich havebeendesignedto alloweasyaccessinsidethe Modules Hand Held Products has utilized a specially designed adhesivetape which acts as a hingefor the case Do not remove the tape the case opens at the opposite end To open the case 1 Grasp the caseas indicatedin the photograph ...
Страница 12: ...o 32Kof EPROMin your71 M M EPROMCarrier The followingEPROMmay be used Intel compatible CMOS 27256 27I28 2764 200nanosecond or faster Toinstall a32K EPROM the jumper should remainon the pinsmarkedA andB in the photo graph Toinstalla16Kor smaller EPROM simplylift thejumperoff of the pinsmarkedA andB andplace thejumperoverthepinsmarkedB andC Jumper position Íor 32K EPROM 5 6 ...
Страница 13: ...PROM Withthejumperin thecorrectplace theEPROM maybeinstalled in the socketof the Carrier The locatormark pin1 of theEPROMshouldbe oriented to theleftor jumper side of theCarrier WiththeEPROMseated in place closethecaseand installtheM M in theHP 71 ...
Страница 14: ... port 5 01 o Note The EPROMCarrieralwaysoccupies32Kof memoryspace regardless of thesizeEPROM actually used Thesnap on coverwhichcomeswithyour TIMIM shouldremainon alltheModules whentheyarenot installed in theHP 71 Thecoverprotectsyour MemoryModuleagainst electrostatic discharge as wellasextendsthe batterylifeof the 32Kand64K RAM M M s Int Ha a v HP fol As 71 me th an us ...
Страница 15: ...sed he e s HandHeld Products Inc P O Box2388 Charlotte N C 28211 Telephone 704 541 1380 VolumeDiscountsAvailable TWX810 621 0380 PROTECH ...
Страница 16: ...Hand Held Products Inc P O Box2388 Charlotte N C 28211 Telephone 704 541 1380 VolumeDiscounts Available TWX810 621 0380 PROTECH ...