Attaching the legs and table
Attaching the leg connector
bracket and legs
□ Note the plastic leg receivers inside the 4 corner of
table rim. These receivers slide. If necessary,
adjust them into the proper position in the rim. lf
applicable, adjust the flat plastic supports so they
are evenly spaced between the plastic leg
receivers. Insert four legs (B) into the leg receivers
as shown in diagram.
□ Insert the four self-tapping bolts (EE) through the
pre-drilled holes in the legs. Tighten the bolts a few
revolutions by using the hex wrench (FF).
Do not fully tighten the bolts until all parts are
attached on the underside of the table frame.
□ Attach the leg connector bracket (C) to table legs
(B) by inserting four hex bolts (AA) and four hex
bolts (BB) with metal washers (CC) through the pre-
drilled holes in the leg connector bracket and legs.
□ Tighten all the bolts completely by using the hex
wrench (FF).
□ Cover each bolt with the plastic bolt caps (DD).
Do not tighten bolts until all parts are
attached on the underside of the table frame.
Each bolt should be tightened a few
revolutions at a time, alternating between bolts in a
cross corner (X) pattern, to ensure your table is level.