Installation (continued)
Placing Your Fixtures and Routing
the Cable
Attaching Your Fixtures
Lay your fixtures (not included) out where you want to locate them.
Be sure they do not exceed the 45-watt rating of the transformer.
Route the low voltage cable to the fixtures. If there is extra cable,
coil after the last fixture.
WARNING: Risk of Fire
Be sure to leave minimum of 10 feet (3m) of wire
between the power pack and first fixture.
Turn the transformer on. Attach your fixtures to the cable to using
cable connectors as shown. Place one connector on each side of
the cable, then press together to lock. Prongs will pierce
the cable to make contact and your fixtures should light up.
Turn the transformer on. Attach your fixtures to the cable using the
cable connectors as shown. Press the connector tight onto the cable
until the prongs pierce the cable insulation. The fixture should light