This iron is equipped with a position/motion sensor. This
means that if the iron is left motionless it will turn off automati-
cally and cool to room temperature.
To restart iron, simply move the iron and allow it to reheat on
heel position.
The iron will reheat to the previously selected setting.
Iron Position
Resting on soleplate
Resting on either
Resting on heel
Sensor Control
Position Sensing
The iron will turn off automatically when left in the following
The auto off time varies based on the iron’s position.
Auto Shutoff Reset Light
After 30 seconds of no movement in the horizontal position,
the iron will automatically shut off and the red light will blink.
Move iron upright to vertical position to turn back on.
Motionless Time
33 seconds
33 seconds or
18 minutes
depending on
exact orientation
18 minutes