Product Registration Instructions
Visit: www.HamiltonBuhl.com
1. Click on Customer Care
2. Click on Product Registration Icon
3. Please fill out all fields marked with * to register
Warranty begins the date item ships from our warehouse. All products,
except for metal carts, have a one year warranty from original date of
shipment, unless otherwise noted. Metal carts have a limited lifetime
warranty on all housing components; however, carts have a one year
warranty on any electrical / mechanical components.
Our Mission:
Since our founding in 1933, HamiltonBuhl continues to evolve as a leader
in technology products for education and industry. Our products are
embraced by educators, corporate trainers, presenters, government
agencies, and hospitals for their daily presentation, from the classroom
to the boardroom, HamiltonBuhl has the presentation product for you.
80 Little Falls Road
Fairfield, NJ 07004
— 02/2017
Never-Ending Learning Innovation
*Any forms of parts copy or whole copy of the manual is not allowed without the
authorization of our company. Our company reserves all claim rights
(except the simple citation for commentary article or comment).