Cooking Modes
No matter what you plan to cook, the Set ’N Forget
Slow Cooker
has two cooking modes to make it easy. Here’s how to choose
the one that’s right for your lifestyle and the food you’re cooking.
Will you be away when your food is finished cooking?
Input preferred amount of cooking time
and the slow cooker automatically shifts to Warm at the end of
the selected cooking time. Food won’t overcook!
Do you want to cook the traditional way without setting a time?
— OR —
Do you want to heat previously cooked food?
Use MANUAL Mode.
Lets you select traditional High or Low settings.
Do you want to keep previously cooked food warm?
(For instance, moving slow cooker from kitchen to buffet table.)
Use the MANUAL Mode.
Lets you select Warm setting.
Use the PROGRAM Mode.
Lets you select Warm setting.
The slow cooker will shut off after desired time.
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