Hamilton Beach 26021-IS Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11


When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should

always be followed, including the following:

1. Read all instructions.

2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.

3. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse

cord, plug, or any part of the appliance in water or other liquid.

4. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used

by or near children.

5. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow

to cool before putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning.

6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, or

after the appliance malfunctions or has been dropped or dam-

aged in any manner. Call our toll-free customer service number

for information on examination, repair, or adjustment.

7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the

appliance manufacturer may cause injuries.

8. Do not use outdoors.

9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter or touch

hot surfaces, including the stove.

10. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a

heated oven.

11. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance

containing hot oil or other hot liquids.

12. Do not use appliance for other than intended use.

13. Do not use appliance unattended.

14. During use, provide 4 to 6 inches air space above, behind,

and on both sides for air circulation. 

15. Never remove the waffle with any kind of cutting device 

or other metallic kitchen utensil.

16. Always allow the appliance to cool before putting it away, and

never wrap the cord around the appliance while it is still hot.


Содержание 26021-IS

Страница 1: ...ԁԇ Ԍԙ ԍԉԁԅԙԇԄ ԍԉԉԚԅԋԉԀ ԍԉԘԖԅԎ ԍԐԉԄ ԄԘԁԇԄ ԉԘԖԅԎ ԍԉԘԉԎԇԎԄԎ ԍԉԉԎԅԀԌԐԉԁ ԍԉԐԗԚ ԉԌԒԁ ԍԌԅԒԁ ԘԚԅԉԁ ԚԉԖԘԀ ԄԑԉԘԔԁ ԚԅԐԇԚ ԚԅԘԙԒ ԉԚԅԘԉԙ ԏԚԎԁ ԅԐԉԚԅԇԅԗԌ ԚԀ ԚԅԚԘԙԎ ԚԔԅԗԚԁ ԏԅԗԉԚԅ ԄԐԗԚԄ ԄԋԘԃԄ ԄԌ ԘԁԒԎԅ ԚԅԉԘԇԀԄ ԙԅԎԉԙԌ ԅԆ ԚԘԁԅԇ ԌԒ ԅԘԎԉԙ ԀԐԀ ԉԃԉԚԒ ԍԋԚԅԘԙԌ 052 528914455 ԉԖԘԀ ԚԅԘԉԙ ԆԋԘԎ sherut shaoulian co il ԉԌԃԂԎ ԏԀԉԌԅԀԙ ԉԙԀԘ ԄԂԅԖԚ ԍԌԅԀ 12 ԏԁԀ ԀԁԀ ԚԅԘԃԙ ԏԉԉԈԙԘԗԀ ԇԅԚԉԔ ԄԉԌԖԘԄ 09 00 18 00 ԄԇԉԚԔ ԚԅԒԙ ԌԔԅԅ ԘԈԑԅԈ ԉԂԌԁ ԍԂԃ 6...

Страница 2: ...ԊԅԎԚԌ ԊԉԘԖ ԒԗԙԄ ԄԐԂԄ ԊԉԚԐԅ ԚԉԐԗԚ ԚԀ ԒԖԁԌ ԙԉ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԒԗԙԌ ԍԉԀԚԎ ԅԐԉԀ ԒԗԚԄ ԍԀ ԄԆ ԘԉԙԋԎ Ԍԙ ԌԖԔԎԁ ԙԎԚԙԄԌ ԀԌԙ ԕԌԎԅԎ ԊԎԑԅԎ ԉԀԌԎԙԇ ԉԟԒ ԚԅԙԘԃԐԄ ԚԅԎԀԚԄԄ ԄԋԘԀԄ Ԍԁԋԁԅ ԌԎԙԇ Ԍԙ ԌԎԙԇԄ Ԍԁԋ ԄԐԉԆԄ ԌԉԚԔ ԗԅԚԉԐԅ ԘԅԁԉԇԌ ԄԇԅԐ ԄԙԉԂ ԘԙԔԀԌ ԙԉ ԌԎԙԇ ԒԗԙԎ ԘԉԙԋԎԄ ԚԀ ԗԚԐԌ ԅԀ ԘԁԇԌ ԏԉԀ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԚԙԘԎ ԘԉԙԋԎԄ ԒԗԚ ԚԋԉԙԎԁ ԅԗԅԚԉԐ ԌԒ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԚԅԔԇԉ ԍԉԉԌԂԘ ԍԒ ԅԀ ԚԅԁԅԈԘ ԍԉԉԃԉԁ ԙԎԚԙԄԌ Ԅԁԅԇ ԄԇԅԐ ԄԙԉԂ ԘԃԒԄԁ ԌԁԋԄ ԚԋԉԙԎԁ ԀԌԅ ԅԎԖԒ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԙԅԎԉԙԌ ԏԋԅԎ ԉ...

Страница 3: ... ԍԉԐԉԔ 3 ԄԗԘԀԄԁ ԃԉԉԅԖԎ ԒԗԚ ԍԒ ԗԔԅԑԎ ԄԆ ԘԖԅԎ ԄԘԄԆԀ ԅԀԃԅԅ ԍԀԚԎ ԚԅԒԖԎԀԁ ԅԀ ԅԄԙԌԋ ԉԅԐԉԙ ԚԅԒԖԎԀԁ ԄԗԘԀԄԄ ԚԀ ԌԘԈԐԌ ԘԁԅԇԎԅ 9a 9 ԀԅԄ Ԙԉԗԁԙ ԒԗԙԌ ԒԉԂԎԄ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԇԚԎԙ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԗԔԑԄԁ ԊԅԎԚԌ ԊԉԘԖ ԒԗԙԄ ԄԐԂԄ ԊԉԚԐԌԅ ԚԉԐԗԚ ԄԗԘԀԄԌ ԒԖԁԌ ԙԉ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԒԗԙԌ ԍԉԀԚԎ ԅԐԉԀ ԒԗԚԄ ԍԀ ԄԆ ԘԉԙԋԎ Ԍԙ ԉԌԎԉԑԗԎԄ ԊԎԑԅԎ ԉԀԌԎԙԇ ԉԟԒ ԚԅԙԘԃԐԄ ԚԅԎԀԚԄԄ ԚԀ Ԍԙ ԍԉԐԅԋԉԑԄ ԚԀ ԚԉԇԔԄԌ ԉԃԋ ԘԇԁԐ ԄԆ ԘԉԙԋԎ Ԍԙ ԌԎԙԇԄ Ԍԁԋ ԊԘԅԀ Ԍԁԋԁ ԙԎԚԙԄԌ ԏԚԉԐ ԘԚԅԉ ԊԅԘԀ Ԍԁԋ ԙԘԃԐ ԍԀ Ԅԃԉ...

Страница 4: ...ԋԎԁ ԘԀԙԄԌ ԄԌԅԌԒԙ ԄԆԉԘԀ ԚԌԅԑԔ Ԍԋ ԘԉԑԄԌ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԘԘԅԅԀԎ ԍԅԗԎԁ Ԛԅԗԃ 10 ԊԙԎԌ ԚԉԌԎԉԑԗԎԄ ԄԘԅԈԘԔԎԈԁ ԅԌԉԒԔԄ ԚԉԒԁԈ ԄԒԔԅԚԄ ԏԙԒԅ ԇԉԘ ԈԒԎ ԈԌԔԄԌ ԌԅԌԒ ԏԅԙԀԘ ԙԅԎԉԙԁ ԉԅԐԉԔ ԉԔԅԘԉԀԄ ԃԅԇԉԀԄ ԚԅԐԗԚԌ ԍԀԚԄԁ ԏԉԉԖԎ ԍԉԅԅԌԐԄ ԍԉԋԎԑԎԄ ԌԒ ԅԀ ԘԖԅԎԄ ԌԒ ԒԁԈԅԎԄ ԏԎԉԑԄ ԘԆԅԇ ԙԅԎԉԙԌ ԍԉԐԚԉԐԄ ԍԉԘԎԅԇԎ ԉԅԐԁ ԄԆ ԘԉԙԋԎ ԍԉԀԚԎԄ ԓԅԑԉԀ ԆԋԘԎԌ ԅԚԅԐԔԌ ԙԉ ԀԌԀ ԄԌԉԂԘ ԚԉԚԉԁ ԄԔԙԀ ԌԀԋ ԘԖԅԎԌ ԑԇԉԉԚԄԌ ԏԉԀԙ WEEE ԙԎԅԙԎ ԉԐԅԘԈԗԌԀԅ ԉԌԎԙԇ ԃԅԉԖ ԉԅԐԉԔԅ ԗԅԌԉԑԌ ԌԎԙԇԄ Ԛ...

Страница 5: ...5 ԍԉԘԆԉԁԀԅ ԍԉԗԌԇ ʬʮʹʧʬ ʸʥʡʩʧ ʩʥʥʩʧ ʺʩʸʥʰ ʤʮʥʣʠ ʤʬʩʲʰ ʱʴʺ ʤʷʥʸʩ ʤʬʥʲʴ ʩʥʥʩʧ ʺʩʸʥʰ ʤʰʥʩʬʲ ʤʨʬʴ ʤʰʥʺʧʺ ʤʨʬʴ ʨʱʥʨ ʺʨʬʴ ʩʢʬʡ ʬʴʥʥ ʺʨʬʴ ...

Страница 6: ...ԈԌ ԍԀԚԄԁ Ԛԅԗԃ 2 3 ԊԅԚ ԏԋԅԎ ԚԅԉԄԌ ԘԅԎԀ ԈԑԅԈԄ ԍԉԃԀ ԘԈԑԅԈԄԎ ԚԀԖԌ ԍԉԉԅԔԖ ԄԌԅԒԔ ԉԃԋ ԊԅԚ 6 ԏԉԀԅ ԚԅԅԋԄԌ ԀԌԙ ԉԃԋ ԍԉԉԃԉԁ ԘԆԒԄԌ ԏԉԀ ԉԚԋԚԎ ԅԐԉԀԙ ԍԅԇԁ ԃԉԎԒ ԘԇԀ ԘԎԅԇ ԚԅԒԖԎԀԁ ԅԀ ԕԒ ԚԉԘԎ ԚԅԒԖԎԀԁ ԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԀ ԅԘԉԑԄԅ ԘԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԀ ԅԇԚԔ ԏԅԌԔԈԄ ԉԅԔԉԖԌ ԗԆԐ ԍԅԘԂԌ ԀԌԙ ԉԃԋ ԚԋԚԎ ԚԉԘԎ ԅԀ ԏԉԋԑԁ ԙԎԚԙԄԌ 7 ԀԁԄ ԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԐԋԄԌ ԃԒ ԍԅԇԄ ԌԒ ԘԎԙԌ ԉԃԋ ԘԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԀ ԘԅԂԑԌ ԕԌԎԅԎ 8 ԌԎԙԇԄԎ ԘԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԀ ԗԚԐԌ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԄԐԋԄԄ ԍԅԉԑ ԘԇԀԌ ԉԂԌԁ ԌԔԅԅ ԚԐԋԄ ԄԉԄԉ ԏԚԉԐ...

Страница 7: ...ԅԅԄ ԚԐԋԄԌ ԃԒ ԍԅԇԄ ԌԒ ԘԎԙԌ ԉԃԋ ԘԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԀ ԘԅԂԑԌ ԕԌԎԅԎ 7 ԌԎԙԇԄԎ ԘԈԑԅԈԄ ԚԀ ԗԚԐԌ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԄԐԋԄԄ ԍԅԉԑ ԘԇԀԌ ԏԅԉԗԐԅ ԄԗԅԆԇԚ ԚԅԘԉԄԆ ԉԅԗԉԐԄ ԉԐԔԌ ԌԎԙԇԄ ԒԗԙԎ ԒԗԚԄ ԚԀ ԓԅԌԙԌ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԅԘԘԗԚԉ ԚԅԈԌԔԄԙ ԃԒ ԘԈԑԅԈԁ ԚԒԂԌ ԀԌ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԉԅԗԉԐԌ ԘԚԅԉ Ԅԙԗ ԏԎԆ ԊԘԅԀԌ ԘԁԈԖԄԙ ԊԅԌԋԌ ԙԅԎԉԙ Ԍԋ ԘԇԀԌ ԘԉԙԋԎԄ ԚԀ ԚԅԗԐԌ ԅԃԉԔԗԄ ԘԅԘԉԗԄ ԉԖԉԘԇ ԊԘԃ ԄԎԉԐԔ ԅԘԃԇԉ ԀԌ ԏԎԅԙ ԅԀ ԚԅԁԉԈԘ ԉԔԃԅԒԙ ԇԉԈԁԄԌ ԉԃԋ ԄԇԌ ԚԉԌԈԎ ԚԅԒԖԎԀԁ ԕԅԇԁԎ ԘԉԙԋԎԄ ԓԅԂ ԚԀ ԅԁԂԐ ԉԅԔԉԖԁ ԒԅԂԔԌ...

Страница 8: ... minutes Recipes made from scratch may take longer Check for doneness after approximately 5 minutes or when the steaming stops If the lid doesn t lift easily let waffles cook a minute more before checking again Care and cleaning Shock Hazard To reduce the risk of electrical shock do not immerse the cord plug or base in water or any other liquid 1 Unplug from outlet and let cool 2 Wipe cooking grid...

Страница 9: ...ever use metal This will damage the nonstick coating 6 Unplug unit when through cooking Let cool Power ON and Ready lights The POWER ON light comes on when the waffle maker is first plugged in This light will stay on until the unit is unplugged The READY light comes on when the waffle maker has reached the desired temperature For best results wait until the READY light comes on before adding the w...

Страница 10: ...ected to reduce the hazards of becoming tangled in or tripping over a longer cord If a longer cord is necessary an approved extension cord may be used The electrical rating of the extension cord must be equal to or greater than the rating of the appliance If the appliance is of the grounding type the extension cord should be a grounding type 3 wire cord Care must be taken to arrange the extension ...

Страница 11: ...e customer service number for information on examination repair or adjustment 7 The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may cause injuries 8 Do not use outdoors 9 Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter or touch hot surfaces including the stove 10 Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner or in a heated oven 11 Extreme caution must be us...

Страница 12: ...para contactarnos Questions Please call us our friendly associates are ready to help USA 1 800 851 8900 Preguntas Por favor llámenos nuestros amables representantes están listos para ayudar EE UU 1 800 851 8900 MEX 01 800 71 16 100 Le invitamos a leer cuidadosamente este instructivo antes de usar su aparato Questions N hésitez pas à nous appeler nos associés s empresseront de vous aider CAN 1 800 ...
