Haltech Engine Management Systems
(A division of Lockin P/L, A.B.N. 68 061 744 303)
HEAD OFFICE: 3 Centre Place, Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Australia
t. +61 2 9729 0999 f. +61 2 9729 0900
Selecting data channels
The Haltech IQ3 Dash can receive any parameter from your Haltech ECU, however the dash is limited
to 20 concurrent channels being sent to the Dash at once. We choose these channels from within
the RacePak DataLink software. The default config is programmed with the 20 most commonly used
channels, however if you wish to change one of these channels follow the steps below. Haltech
channels are labeled with an ‘EFI’ prefix in the name.
For example, we may not require ‘EFI Voltage’ to be displayed on the dash, but instead ‘EFI
Trans Oil Temp’ which we have connected to the Haltech ECU on a spare Input. Right click on
the channel which you wish to change.
In the Channel Parameter window that appears, open the ‘Sensor’ drop-down list and
choose the sensor you wish to display data from. For our example we will change ‘Battery
Voltage’ to ‘Trans Oil Temp DegC’.
Click OK to apply the change and note our ‘Voltage’ channel has changed to ‘Trans Oil Temp’ in our list of
Repeat this process for any channel you wish to change.
Click the blue ‘Write’ button in the left toolbar to write your changes to the Dash.
You can now place the channel in a segment on your dash using the steps on the following page…