1: Introduction
2 programmable strobe signals for triggering other devices
Software control of nearly all pulse parameters
Onboard GPIO
10 user-programmable digital I/Os
EEPROM storage for
Wavelength Calibration Coefficients
Linearity Correction Coefficients
Absolute Irradiance Calibration (optional)
Plug-n-play interface for PC applications
30-pin connector for interfacing to external products
CE certification
System Requirements
You can use the Maya2000Pro Series’ USB connectivity with any computer that meets the requirements
for the spectrometer operating software being used (Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Mac OS X and Linux).
EEPROM Utilization
An EEPROM memory chip in each Maya2000Pro Series contains wavelength calibration coefficients,
linearity coefficients, and a serial number unique to each individual spectrometer. The OOI software
application reads these values directly from the spectrometer, enabling the ability to “hot-swap”
spectrometers between computers without entering the spectrometer coefficients manually on each
About OceanView Software
OceanView is the latest generation of operating software for all Ocean Optics spectrometers. It is a
completely modular, Java-based spectroscopy software platform that operates on Windows, Macintosh
and Linux operating systems. The software can control any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer and device.
OceanView is a user-customizable, advanced acquisition and display program that provides a real-time
interface to a variety of signal-processing functions. With OceanView, you have the ability to perform
spectroscopic measurements (such as absorbance, reflectance, and emission), control all system
parameters, collect and display data in real time, and perform reference monitoring and time acquisition
experiments. Consult the OceanView manual for hardware requirements when using OceanView (see
Sampling System Overview
How Sampling Works
Ocean Optics components function in a sampling system as follows: