SPOGG Sport-Güter GmbH
Schulstr. 27
35614 Aßlar/Berghausen
Special instructions for the disposal of individual equipment com-
No special instructions are necessary for the disposal of individual equipment components.
Special measures during the break-in period
No later than 2 weeks after assembly, all screwed connections should be checked and tight-
ened if necessary
Discharge outlet
All discharge outlets need to be fully opened.
Maintenance of protective surfaces
Surfaces providing fall protection must also be maintained regularly. It is particularly im-
portant to maintain the correct level of loose surface material and add more if necessary.
Faults must be repaired as soon as they are detected. If serious defects
that compromise safety cannot be repaired straight away, the public
must be pre-vented from using the equipment with immediate effect
Loose screws
Loose screws always cause quality problems and put safety at risk.
Therefore, loose screws should always be tightened and checks carried
out to ensure that there are no missing screws (e.g. look out for holes
you can see through).
Block the device
The device has to be closed due to the following reasons: incomplete installation, disas-
sembly, maintenance and repair work and defacts.
The equipment must be inspected by someone with the necessary expertise
in strict compliance with the instructions issued by SPOGG Sport-Güter
A copy of the inspection record should be given to the operator, who must
confirm receipt.