SPOGG Sport-Güter GmbH • 35614 Aßlar/Berghausen • Germany
• www.hally-gally-spielplatzgeraete.de
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T:\PLAY\Play Installation Instructions\Installation Instructions 2012-2013\20_01_080-01-en-007.doc
Top edge of concrete rounded: 20 – 40 cm below ground level.
Round off foundation edges (min.R = 100 mm)! Sizes of fundations are designed for
soils class“4-5” (natural ground).
Soil class 4: soft to medium plasticity, interleave bound, with minor portion of stone
(portion < 30% with bigger diameter of 63 mm grain size)
Soil class 5 : ground with soil class 3 and 4 with big portion of stones
(portion > 30% with bigger diameter of 63 mm grain size)
In case of sandy and soft soils, the surface measure of foundations have to be
enlarged for about 50%!
Assembly time, once foundations complete: approx. 2 hours.
Required assistance: 2 people.
Any spare parts which may be required can be obtained directly from
your supplier
We hereby confirm that this item of play equipment has been tested and
certified in accordance with the play equipment standard EN