Orb-85 Electronic Dartboard 8
Game Rules
The Orb electronic dartboard is loaded with games and options. The rules for each game
are detailed below in the order they appear on the LCD display when paging through the
games. The game number is indicated next to each game for your reference.
This popular tournament and pub game is played by subtracting each dart from the starting
total (301) until the player reaches exactly 0 (zero). If a player goes past zero it is
considered a “
” and the score returns to where it was at the start of that round. For
example, if a player needs a 32 to finish the game and he/she hits a 20, 8, and 10 (totals
38), the score goes back to 32 for the next round.
In playing the game, the double in / double out option can be chosen (double out is the most
widely used option).
Double In
- A double must be hit before points are subtracted from the total.
In other words, a player’s scoring does not begin until a double is hit.
Double Out
- A double must be hit to end the game. This means that an
even number is necessary to finish the game.
Double In and Double Out
- A double is required to start and end scoring
of the game by each player.
Starting number 401.
Starting number 701.
Starting number 501.
Starting number 801.
Starting number 601.
Starting number 901.
Cricket is a strategic game for accomplished players and beginners alike. Players throw for
numbers best suited for them and can force opponents to throw for numbers not as suitable
for them. The object of Cricket is to “close” all of the appropriate numbers before one’s
opponent while racking up the highest number of points.
Only the numbers 15 through 20 and the inner/outer bullseye are used
. Each player
must hit a number 3 times to “open” that segment for scoring (Refer to Cricket Scoring
section for explanation on how players’ marks are registered).
A player is then awarded the number of points of the “open” segment each time he/she
throws a dart that lands in that segment, provided their opponent has not closed that
segment. Hitting the double ring counts as two hits, and the triple ring counts as 3 hits.