Kit Overview
This kit provides an analog pressure signal to the Haldex Intelligent Trailer Control Module (ITCM) ECU.
The signal is used in conjunction with other auxiliary devices, for example the Haldex ILAS
-E Lift Axle
Control Valve. The External Pressure Sensor Transducer must be software configured with the Haldex
DIAG+ Software.
It is possible to use the External Pressure Sensor Transducer to measure air pressure signals at the Air
Suspension, Control Signal and Reservoir Pressure. It is also possible to use the voltage generated by the
Transducer to control a general purpose output.
Plumb the External Pressure Sensor Transducer into the air system using a run-tee. As an example, the
Transducer plumbed into the suspension air bag, is shown.
Connect External Pressure to the ITCM Auxiliary Port, either #4 or #5, with the supplied
harness cable.
- Continued on Reverse Side -
L31295A Rev. 3/20
Haldex External Pressure Sensor
Transducer - Intelligent Trailer
Control Module (ITCM) ECU
Auxiliary Feature