7 Electrical Connection
7.1 HALscan X20 XY3-100 Interface
The HALscan X20 scanheads all are compatible with the industry standard XY3-100 data interface that is
available on several industry-grade scanner controller cards (like E1803D controller). The pinout and voltage
supply connections are shown below and require a male D-SUB25 connector:
1 – A-
2 – B-
3 – C-
4 – D-
6 – F-
9 - +15 V
10 - +15 V
11 – GND
12 - -15 V
13 - -15 V
14 – A+
15 – B+
16 – C+
17 – D+
19 – F+
22 - +15 V
23 – GND
24 - GND
25 - -15 V
The power supply needs to be a ba/- 15 V (+/- 0.5 V tolerance).
ATTENTION: When the scanhead is powered separately, power has to be fed into scanhead only but never into
the connected controller card!
ATTENTION: During operation it has to be ensured the symmetric power with +15 V and –15 V is available all
the time. Unplugging the D-SUB25 connector during operation or switching off one of both power lines for a
longer time may damage electronics and – as follow up – the mirrors too.