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Содержание MKB-1

Страница 1: ...I am unable to find out why the SCR is powering up in the disabled state The only memory in the keyboard are the four 7474 flip flops They are all correct after power up There is a wire from the gate...

Страница 2: ...ffiffi HfiL sMrilUNlWl N HH URBANA ILLINOIS 61801 0 H fiF U TI NQ UIPMENT...

Страница 3: ...until you have sent a letter of notification and have received a written return authori zatLon Keyboards or parts returned to the factory under warranty will be repaired or replaced at no charge excep...

Страница 4: ...20 21 Typical Connection for C TypicaL Connection for G Shift Register Operation C lock lrlavef orms Logic Waveforms Logic Waveforms Component Layout Keyswitch Board athode Keying rid B1ock Keying for...

Страница 5: ...ry to provide the following features Code speed is adjustabte from 6 to 60 words per miSute Adjustabte weight ratio is unaffected by changes in speed Connection for auxiliary hand key is provided Tran...

Страница 6: ...e transistor switch shorts the grid bias voltage to ground Using the center conductor of a shielded cable connect the bias voltage to be keyed to the tip contact of a phone p1ug Ground the shield at t...

Страница 7: ...TO KEYING TRANSISTOR EM ITTER TRANSMITTER Figure 2 1 Typicol Connection for Cothode Keying E NOT USE CATHODE AND GRID BLOCK AT SAME TIME Figure 2 2 Typicol Connection for Grid Block Keying TYPICAL GR...

Страница 8: ...justed to achieve the desired ratio of dot to space duration The following tips will help you become proficient at codetyping The code character produced by any key will repeat conLinuously as long as...

Страница 9: ...consists of seven integrated circuit flip f1ops connected so that the state of each flip flop will transfer to the next flip flop in the line whenever a dot or dash is compteted The clock terminals of...

Страница 10: ...t FFO is now in the high state FF1 and FF2 are in the low state and the remainder are in the high state Since the data input to FF6 is tied to the 5 volt bus this flip flop remains in the high state T...

Страница 11: Looded REGISTER OUTPUT REG ISTER OUTPUT SHIFT INPUT b Register Contents ofter Completion of First Dot Figure 4 Shif t Register Operotion for Letter rr R rr o Oscillotor Out put b Weisht Detector Ou...

Страница 12: ...lip flops is cleared and the output of TC7 goes low This signal is fed to a NAI D gate pin 5 of IC5 and then through an inverter to the keying line The output of the NAND gate goes high the inverter o...

Страница 13: states the output from pin 8 remains high When the clear terminal is high the flip flop toggles at the beginning of each positive clock pu1se Wtren a key has been pushed and a character code loaded...

Страница 14: ...JJ q sf o L 5 C I iI L o o E o L CD o o eb or oo JJ e l L 9 lL Jo o I lrJ ot J cl J L P GCl t 9 I c r E S Eir t _ t o E EE3 23 5rg g3 o ct 9 It 6 L s L_ c 3sr o A 5 i ig o F oJ g o E Q i r 5 E 3 o c...

Страница 15: ...positive clock pu1se however the flip flop toggles and its output goes 1ow With a low input to pin 2 the output of IC5 goes high for one clock period After the leading edge of the next clock pulse th...

Страница 16: ...d through an inverter to supply the current required to drive the speaker and an external audio 1oad Lf any Keving Stage The transmitter to be keyed by the MKB I is connected to either the cathode key...

Страница 17: ...d solder the leads A11 soldering should be done on the bottom non component side of the board Use just enough heat and solder to obtain good connections Over heating may damage the board or the compon...

Страница 18: ...ElscEs Efc gg I L t r io P tttL ooo rrrrtrtt IOH Jl O If gl trtrBt gl E8ifrff Bf rd I x d I IU Fr IUJ j lA rrrtrt trtfttrrr trJH d ul I d O lrJ UJ H st s El eesenBsEEEREgRf io L c E oE It teBE EE E 3...

Страница 19: ...o the parts list sort out those components designated by a rrKrr These are the parts needed to construct the keyswitch circuit board Figure 5 2 shows the location of the parts on the board To install...

Страница 20: ...o o o oo o i o oo u olo do oJ oo vt 9y o r o oJo 6o9 o rslo 3r 6o9 ro olo Q o loI oo 609 o uY o Y o6 6o9 ct fro 3 6o9 o No 3 Z n o o o Oo tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tT tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr...

Страница 21: ...HOLE W IRE tu 30 HOLE RR J wlNo t5 _ TURNS OF ENAMELLED Figurc 5 4 WIRE t inding the Toroid Secondo ricg sr Figure 5 3 Toroid Mounting OLE 4 H oo c o JO oo Figure 5 5 Toroid Wind ing o ooo o ooo G O...

Страница 22: ...e board Remove the wire from the hole and scrape the enanel from the end Re insert the wire through hole Sl and pult it snug Check that the turns on the toroid are positioned property and are tight Th...

Страница 23: a solder pot if one is availabte 13 Each of the 45 wires will noh be threaded through the appropriate toroids and connected to a keyswitch A given wire will pass through the center of some toroids...

Страница 24: ...ast Thru Past Past Thru Thru Past Thru Thru Thru L7 18 L9 20 3 V F R Thru Thru Past Thru Past Past Past Thru Thru Thru Thru Thru Thru Thru Past Thru Thru 2L 22 23 24 4 B G T Thru Thru Thru Past Thru T...

Страница 25: ...t Past Thru Past Thru Past Past Past Past Thru InstaLLing Cabinet Mounted Parts L6 il Thru Thru Thru Thru Use any Key swi t ch desi red KA Qu6Tat ion Colon Semi co1on Hy phen Parentheses I Apostrophe...

Страница 26: ...3F E OS co o o E r F Ir r o o iI t o 5 9 o c 5 o o J o g o o E o G o a wl lrl I o taN o tt I ure F er Ao E T Y 3 5Fl 1 9 y o5t d Gt o3 J6 cn9 2Z of KI J e f g Ex o6 l o o J u c E o o m I D ro t o f D...

Страница 27: ...the cabinet mounted components 2L Cut a 16 inch length of LZ conductor cable Strip the jacket back 8tt on one end and 3U inches on the other being careful not to nick the insulation on the wires insid...

Страница 28: ...the leads to the lengths shown in the following table and strip Z of insulation from the ends Insert them in the holes indicated and solder Black Red Orange Ye1low Green Blue Violet Grey Wtrite Tan B...

Страница 29: ...lead to l ug 2 Do not solder these leads yet 29 solder one lead of a 01 pfd disc capacitor to lug 1 of Jl Connect the other lead to lugs 2 and 3 of J1 Solder lug 2 but not tug 3 30 Sotder one tead of...

Страница 30: ...nect an 8ttlength of tan hookup wire to lug 2 of the terminal strip SoLder all teads at this 1 r9 Solder the other end of the wire to tugs 3 and 4 of the power transformer 42 Connect an 8tt length of...

Страница 31: ...the bottom cover near the main chassis Locate the green and yeltow twisted pair from the volume control Solder these wires to the two speaker terminals being carefut not to overheat the terminals Pol...

Страница 32: the corners of the bottom cover 55 Insert the 2 hole plug in the unused hote on the rear panel The keyboard construction is now completed Before attaching the bottom cover P rform the tests descri...

Страница 33: ...obtain the correct reading 4 Set all controls to the middle of their ranges Depress any of the character keys and listen for the audio code signal from the speaker Check that each key produces the pr...

Страница 34: point D is not Low check the input to IC 5 at pin 5 Press any k y and observe whether the input goes low If it doesnrt the code from the keyboard toroids is not being toaded into the shift register...

Страница 35: ...7 DIAGRAI IS AND PHO IOGRAPHS The schematic diagrams and photographs of the MIG 1 assemblies are shornm on the following pages 31...

Страница 36: ...oo o P8 oo f r t 6L 2 oP o 3E oo Al N E o 6 8 og YUJ 6ro 1 N 4r I o F o 5 de YQ z z o o o 9 a s YJ g o I 6 3a E oo 9a EE Q YUJ c 9 o o oE o 3 d o i l q nt E lQ r NloIL o o c c o ON oo l o i8 s lo 8 s...

Страница 37: ...33...

Страница 38: ...34...

Страница 39: ...35...

Страница 40: ...l ff r lr s t J l t JhN R l nill r et rrs sFtp 36...

Страница 41: ...amelled wire 4 in insulating tubing Integrated Circuits 2 74r L t 7 400 L 2 7 404 L L 74Os L 4 7474 L L 74L2L L Fastening Hardware 24 2 56 hex nuts 4 4 40 X 4 screws L 4 40 X 318 screw 1 4 40 hex nut...

Страница 42: rgzr by EAt corlMllurcaI ro s conp I urbama Printed in the u s A All rights rese nred contents publication rnay not be reproduced in a4r fo m without pe mtssion of the copyright ollrr ro I1linois o...

Страница 43: ...nslstor swltcheg whlch elose ln sequence rhen the ldentlfler ls actlvated These srltches are wlred ln paralle1 rlth the t lKB l keysrltches for the characters to be sent Thua these keys are ln effect...

Страница 44: ...rnay be transmltted by depreeslng one of the keys at the rlght end oi the eecond and thlrd iore of keyi The character Sroup 1111 repeat lf the key ls held d onn rhen ttre last character ls conpletad I...

Страница 45: ldentlfler sectlons ls actlve If not the second NAND gate lnput ts held hlgh dlth the keyswltch closed both lnputs are hlgh and the gate outpui termlnal goes 1or Thls elgnal resets the two counter...

Страница 46: ...The process ls repeated untl1 alI three characters have been sent Durlng the transmlssion of ttre three characters the output of the fonrth NOR gate In the d ecod er clrcult hae remalned Ion Thls slg...

Страница 47: ...he statlon call glgn The DE lnh1blt clrcult a f1lp f1op composed of two cross coupled I AND g tes prevents the letters tDE r fiorn belng sent more than once for each closure of the HERE rs keyswltch T...

Страница 48: ...the lnput to pln 6 ls 1or Untl1 the counter ls reset thls pln ls held hlgh and the gate output therefore low by the lnverted slgna1 fron the ilND CODE llne A1so a dlode connected betreen the INHIBIT...

Страница 49: ...actlrratlng keys are depressed To reduee thls posslblllty the rrnused d ecoder outputs are all tred to the EilD coDE terrnlnar After the ealI slgn Bequenee has been conpleted lf the HERE ISt key has b...

Страница 50: ...a tlrne and solder the Iead s l ote that the ICf s have an tdentifylng mark at the end nearest plns t and 14 The nark nay be U shaped as shorn or nay be a d ot or other d lst1netlve marlq d ependtng...

Страница 51: ...rough the boarr I I Bund le ll Color Red Blue Ye11ow Green Gray i hlt Hole 25 25 2 3 4 5 Color Hole Red 14 Yellow L5 t hlte L6 Bl ue L7 Green t8 Gray L9 tsundIe 5 Color Hole Red O Blue 21 Gray 22 t hl...

Страница 52: charaeter groups to send and enter them ln the ficharacter r column ln the tables belor If you wlshr you may program the groups to lnelude word spaces along wlth the norrnal characters tetter space...

Страница 53: ...les The wires from the ldentifler are connectid to the rrhotrr sid e of the swltches Conneet eaeh wlre by laylng lt along the conductor strlp leadlng to the pad for the approprlate swltch and solderin...

Страница 54: ...referrlng to Flgrre 1 tnstall the three wlres whlch conneet the actlvattng keyswltehes to the KB rD1 rnlmtrr 1 Connect the gray wlre of bund Ie 5 to ttre GnOUp 1 keysrltch 2 Connect the blue wlre of...

Страница 55: ...ed on the outsld e of the cover under the screwheads not under the stand offs Relnstall the botton eover of the ill B lr urily posltlonlng the wlre bund les so that they are not plnched between the co...

Страница 56: ...o1t l Ihen conneetlng the voltmeter or scotrP probes be careful not to short between adjacent clreult plns or prlnted conductors As noted ln Sectlon 2 the keyboazd rrn y be lnoperatlve rhen the AC por...

Страница 57: ...lnteraetlon between ldentifter and keyboard clrcults Thls warranty ls and shal1 be ln Ileu of all other war rant1es rhether expressed or funp1ledl and of all other obltgatlons or llabll1tles on the pa...

Страница 58: ilU1692 translstor fn the keyboard Add a 1000 ohm reslstor betreen the translstor base temlnal a nd ttre 3 9 vplt keyboard porer sul4ply 2 slnce the IE rD1 requires a supply rortale of J 0 volts Dc...

Страница 59: ...d lsc ceramlc 1 t 7 ufd 15 v electrolytlc Semlcgnductors 5 ttt dlodes B l IPS339l t anststors L 7400 lnteg rated clrcult 7402 htegrated clrcults t 740t htegrated ci rcult 1 74t0 tuteg ated clreult 1...

Страница 60: ...o EG O O s o oT OH T o 3 E E oo g t E t E E g o o Y A I D Y A crr ir...

Страница 61: ...6mHS rc obflutr eEry i6i r ffiEsla ffiyhffii flil8 Q offiB B x lEl B I E P Llfi hr EEA b ffi nffip u tl 8_i_ ffi ffi ffi ffi Y fi 4_ o r6loOc o lN G c o c o o o i u I o o F o H I ta lC rx o tr o p E...

Страница 62: ...2 t 8 g t E s3 g u 8 r z Fa A A a a qJ o r 15 o o b o tr o lr s o l O h t ql L h0 lL o N sf o to ro a L to ro a o to o f ro I o I NJ a x NT l t N i t N NJ 1t 1t F c l z T o ol o o a g H...
