Before starting your training, assess whether your dog would be more motivated to
come inside through the pet door or go outside through it. If your dog loves being
inside the house, you should start this training with them outside. If they’re always
excited to get outside, start with them inside the house.
1. With your dog on one side of the pet door and you on the other, lift the flap of the pet
door all the way up and call them, using an excited voice. Hold treats or your dogs favourite
toy so they can see them on the other side of the pet door. Reward any attempt to come
towards or through the door with lots of verbal encouragement, but don’t let them have the
treat until they make it the whole way through. If your dog is hesitating or nervous to
approach after trying this step, take a break and come back to it later.
2. When they come all the way through, praise and reward them. Then, leaving them where
they are, go to the other side of the pet door, lift the flap and repeat the same exercise. Do
a few repetitions going each way, then take a break. This training can be both stressful and
exciting for your dog, so you should do short sessions to avoid burning them out or causing
them to become distressed.
3. After your dog has had a break, repeat the exercise. If they’re coming through with no
hesitation, repeat the exercise holding the flap up only halfway. Your dog may be distressed
by feeling the flap touching them, use lots of verbal encouragement to guide them through
the door and reward them if they do go all the way through.
4. Once they’re going through with the flap halfway up, continue doing short sessions with
them, gradually lifting the flap up less and less, until your dog is pushing through the door
on their own.
5. Now try to get them to do it on their own. You can do this by leaving them on one side of
the door and scattering some treats or leaving their favourite toy on the other side of the
door. Repeat this for a few sessions until your dog goes through without any verbal
encouragement or reward.