Hako GmbH
Hamburger Straße 209-239
D-23843 Bad Oldesloe
bears sole responsibility for declaring
that the products
Scrubmaster B12
Typ: 7745.02
to which this declaration relates,
conform to the relevant provisions of the
safety and health requirements
stipulated in the EC Directive 2006/42/
EC and is in accordance with 2004/108/
Name of the authorized person who
compiles technical documents for Hako:
Ludger Lüttel
Reference was made to the following
standards and/or norms and/or technical
specifications to ensure proper imple-
mentation of the safety and health re-
quirements in the EC Directives:
EN 60335-2-72
EN 55014-1
EN 55014-2
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3
EN 62233
Bad Oldesloe, 22.04.2014
Dr. Rainer Bavendiek
Director R&D
EC-Declaration of Conformity (in accordance with Directive 2006/42/EG)