Citytrac 4200
Citymaster 1200
Service Documents
For internal use only
March 2009
18 of 108
Bowden cable, hand throttle
(from cabin
Stop screw forwards pedal
wheel speed 225 rpm
3.2 Accelerator pedal
The following adjustments must be carried out in the sequence described each time
the Bowden cables or couplings have been disassembled.
1. Bowden cable from throttle to accelerator pedal:
Adjust so that the microswitch on the accelerator pedal is actuated
when the throttle is at the first notch.
The entire path of travel for the throttle must be free to a point behind
the second notch must be available.
2. Bowden cable from accelerator pedal to drive engine:
Set the throttle to transport ride (before the first notch).
Use the rear adjusting bolt to set the
engine to 1100 ± 50 rpm.
Adjust the front adjusting bolt to set
the maximum speed of 2750 rpm.
Check each 1000h the complete part
for wearout of bushings
, springs