Impact on organizer when the phone is turned off
Note: The alert for any event missed when the phone is turned off will be given only when the
phone is turned on again. For an event set as repeating, only the alert for the latest event will
be given.
Impact on organizer when changing time settings
When the time settings of your phone are changed:
For an event set as repeating: an alert will be given only for the latest event.
For an event set as non-repeating: an alert will be given for an event even indicated
as “Passed”, if the phone is set to an earlier time.
3.8.2 Alarm clock
Your mobile phone has the 24-hr alarm clock function. Three sets of alarm clock are available.
You can set the alarm clock on or off.
If “On” is selected, you are prompted to enter the desired time. Upon confirmation, the display
prompts four options:
Once: in this case, the alarm clock functions one time after it is set.
Everyday: in this case, the alarm clock functions everyday at the preset time, even if the
phone is turned off.
On weekday: in this case, the alarm clock functions everyday except for weekends at the
preset time.
" weekend": in this case, the alarm clock functions everyday except for weekends at the
preset time. In addition, you can set the desired type of ringer.
3.8.3 Calculator
You may use the calculator to add, subtract, divide and multiply. Input operands and
operational symbols in sequence. Use the keypad to input numbers and press the # key to
input a decimal point. Use the Up, Down, Left and Right keys to input the operational symbols
such as *, /, +, or -, or otherwise use the * key to select the operational symbol you want to
input. Press once to get +, twice to get -, third times to get * and four times to get /. Then use
the keypad to input the second operand. Finally press the Enter key to get the result. If
necessary, go on with the operation by input another operational symbol, with the last result
being the first operand in the new calculation.
Press the left softkey to empty the editor and start new calculation.
An operand may contain up to 10 digits.
A result of floating point number operation will be rounded to 0.00000001. For example,
0.123456789 will be rounded to 0.12345679.
Press the Clear key to delete the last entered digit/symbol, or to quit the calculator when
there is no digit/symbol left.