My Profile
Edit and Save Profile
1. Make modification on the information in the profile.
2. Remember to enter the password entries. If not changing password, just enter the
existing password in the “New Password” and “Confirm New Password” entries.
3. Click the button. If device is connected and data was uploaded from
the device, the changes will be saved to both device and PC. Otherwise, the changes will
only be saved on PC. It is recommended to have the device connected when making
changes to the profile so that the data on both the device and PC can be in sync.
Delete Profile
Deleting just the profile data is not supported. You can choose to remove the account
(under My Support). However, both profile and run data for the account will be deleted.
Clear Entries
Clicking the button will clear all entries on the page. It does not affect
data that is stored in the device and PC.