3.2 Answer a call
An incoming call window will be displayed as the
phone receives a call. The number will appear on
the window if you have opened this function.
the Dialing key to answer it. If an
incoming call arrived during your operation in sub
window, a new window will be popped to inform you
and your any operation will be broken. If you missed
a call, a missed call log will appear after you return
to the start screen.
3.3 Reject a call
You can press
key to reject an incoming call.
3.4 Call options
During a call, press up/down key to tune call volume,
screen to enter call options or
on screen to open or close hand free
function. And the options content is changeable
according to your call status. The functions of Call
Waiting, Call Hold need the support of net work.
Here are some parts of the options, like “Hold single
call”, “End single call”, “New Call”, “Phone Book”,
“Message center”, “Sound Recorder”, “Mute” ,
“DTMF”. “Hold”, “New Call” and “multi-part calls”
should supported by the current network.
4 Write text
You may be requested to input text message many
times when you using this phone. For example,
when you write a message or add a new phone
book record, (you can use the corresponding input
methods, such as Multitap ABC, Multitap abc,
numric, Smart ABC, Smart abc, Numeric…
You can input characters, letters, digitals or special
characters including punctuations.