Answer: After half a year or one year
s use, clearance will increase because
of wear of inner components, and compressor
s noise will increase
accordingly. Then it will get stable till the whole life of freezer.
12.6.7 Why freezer
s noise increases after stop use for
Answer: After long time stop of freezer, the crankshaft of compressor may
be blocked by dirt brought in by lubrication oil or blocked by freezing
lubrication oil because of low temperature. For this reason, compressor
cannot be started, or noise will increase after starting, and the wear of
crankshaft will increase too. It is better that freezer doesn
t stop use.
Sometimes newly bought freezer also has this characteristic. After a period
operation, it will get normal.
12.6.8 How to reduce freezer
s noise?
At present, all kinds of freezers have the problem of noise. Scientists have
been seeking a method to solve it but to little effect. The final solution
depends on new improvements and developments in technology.
Maintenance Service and Trouble Shooting
12.6.9 why freezer noise changes greater at night?
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