Have discussed with my engineer and it is strange to us because if it is wrong, the
long. and lat. Should both wrong. Can I know how you tell they are 8 minites wrong ?
Also, if you have the optional cable to make the HI-601BT as a regular GPS receiver
(see attached), you can compare and tell what goes wrong. Another issues, could be
the different datum format. HI-601VT uses the WGS84 datum and please make sure.
I try to use the Tracker just by getting SMS. But it always shows wrong coordinates.
Longitude is ok, but Lattitude is always about 8 minutes wrong.
Can You help me with this?
We would like to have some technical information about the HI-601 VT GPS/GSM Tracker.
How to transfer the coordinates in real-time to google earth by the decoder unit ?
is possible to work with a gprs sim ?
I'd like to explain more about the HI-601VT.
Inside HI-601VT, there are four main parts: GPS receiver module, GSM
module, processor unit, power management unit.
The GPS receiver receive the current location and the processor unit transfer
the digital GPS NMEA data into analog voice message and
use the GSM network to send the voice message to the host side.
The host will receive the voice message (a continue beeping or dialtone). Then,
use the inclusive decoder to decode the dialtone back to digital GPS NMEA
From your PDA or laptop, select the com port (of the decoder), start GPS from
the mapping software (any mapping software), you can see the moving object
(your car, people, boat, etc.) moving in realtime.
Unlike GPRS solution require montyhly fee, special software and control
center, HI-601VT is point to point solution and anyone with a telepone can
perform such realtim tracking at home. That's why we use the GSM solution
instead of the GPRS solution.
Attached is the HI-601VT advantages for your reference.
Anyway, when you have the HI-601VT sample, you can test it and know how it
exactly work.