Enter your four-digit code. If you make a mistake, press the [Clear] button and start over or
press the [exit] button to return to the previous page. After the last digit of a valid code is
entered, the system will perform the desired task.
Auto Bypass
If “Auto Bypass” is enabled in your system, when you arm security, your system will
automatically bypass any zones that are left open when the system is armed.
If “Auto Bypass” is disabled in your system, when you arm security and zones are left open, the
touchscreen will display: “System Not Armed – Zone(s) Not Ready”. Secure the open zone(s),
and then press the [Retry] button; the system will immediately begin arming if all zones are
Silencing Alarms
To disarm the security system after an alarm has tripped, or during the entry delay, simply press
the [Disarm] button, then enter your four-digit code on the “Keypad” page. The [Disarm] key
disarms the burglar alarm, resets emergency alarms, and silences all sirens and sounders.
Arming and Disarming other Security Areas
If your system is configured with multiple security areas, it is possible to arm other individual
areas or all areas from the “Security” page.
Before selecting the desired security mode or [Disarm Security] button, first select the [Area]
button. The “Area” list box is displayed with available security areas.
Select the desired area from the list box or
select “All Areas” to arm or disarm all security
After selecting the desired area, you return to
the “Security” page where you must select the
desired security mode or [Disarm Security]
After you touch the desired security mode or [Disarm Security] button, the “Keypad” page is
displayed. In order to arm/disarm a different area, you must have a Master code or a code that
is valid for the selected area. Likewise, to arm/disarm “All Areas”, you must have a Master
code or a code that is valid for all areas.