Installation Instructions
Models: 790-904 and 790-906
Rev. 1/21/08
Companies - 139 Victor Street - St. Louis, MO 63104 (314-772-4400)
Part No.: 75009404
attain the proper size. Mortar guards, either styrofoam or wood, are recommended for frames to prevent grout from interfering with
the installation of the hinge fasteners.
For new site-hung wood doors: If necessary, scribe and cut from the
latch edge
of the door to leave sufficient hinge stile thickness
for proper fastening. See the clearance information above to attain the proper finished width of the door. A minimum clearance of
1/8” (3.2mm) is required between the hinge edge of the door and the frame rabbet.
For remodeling with existing wood or laminate doors: If necessary, scribe and cut from the
hinge edge
of the door and plane
smooth. See the clearance information above to attain the proper finished width of the door. A minimum clearance of 1/8”
(3.2mm) is required between the hinge edge of the door and the frame rabbet.
Installation Procedure
Door Preparation
1. With the hinge open, place the hinge door leaf against the edge of the door. Position the top of the hinge flush with the top of the
door. For the 790-
904, to achieve a 1/8” inset, position the ‘pull’ face of the door 5/8” from the center of the hinge pin. For the 790-
906, position the integral corner guard fully against the ‘push’ face of the door.
2. Mark and center punch the screw hole locations.
Accurate location is important for proper hinge installation.
3. For metal doors 14 gage or less (
≤.080”/2.0mm) it is not necessary to pre-drill pilot holes if using the #10 self-drilling screws
provided. For metal doors 12 gage and over (
≥.093”/2.3mm) drill and tap all mounting holes for #10-24 threads prior to installing
the screws. For wood doors, pre-
drill pilot holes using a #25 (.149”/3.8mm) bit.
4. Attach the hinge to the door. For metal doors, use the #10 self-drilling screws provided (recommended driver speed 1,900-2,500
RPM). For wood doors, use the #10 wood screws provided.
Hanging the Door
1. With the hinge mounted to the door, set the door into the frame using shims or wedges to adjust for the desired clearance on all
sides. Allow 1/8” (3.2mm) clearance between the top of the door and the frame header rabbet. Allow 1/16” (1.6mm) minimum
clearance between the hinge door leaf and the frame rabbet.
2. With the door held securely in place, rotate the hinge leaf into position on the face of the frame.
a) For metal frames, mark and center punch the hole locations on the frame face. For metal frames 12 gage or less
≤.093”/2.0mm) it is not necessary to pre-drill pilot holes if using the 1/4” self-drilling screws provided. For thicker metal
frames, pre-
drill pilot holes using a 7/32” (5.5mm) bit. Install the 1/4” self-drilling screws (recommended driver speed
1,900-2,500RPM), placing a Molding Clip under the head of a screw at five locations along the hinge - one at each end
and the others spaced equally in between.
b) For wood frames, mark and center punch the hole locations on the frame face. Pre-drill pilot holes usi
ng a 7/32”
(5.5mm) bit. Install the #14 wood screws, placing a Molding Clip under the head of a screw at five locations along the
hinge - one at each end and the others spaced equally in between.
3. Remove all shims and wedges and make a gentle trial swing. Carefully check the door for proper swing and clearance.
Install the Snap-On Molding
1. Position the Molding so that the
short leg
is closest to the hinge pin. Hook the short leg over the Molding Clips along the full length
of the hinge. Starting at the top and working downward press the long leg of the Molding in place completely over the outside edge
of the door leaf. If necessary, gently tap in place using a rubber mallet, taking care not to damage the Molding.