Refer to automatic changeover switches and controller manuals for more information on operational sequences
and controls:
• sources control,
• tests cycles,
• loss of priority source sequence,
• priority source return sequence.
Press “left”, “right”, “top” & “bottom” push buttons to access available screens
Press “navigation” push button to navigate in visualisation, displaying all available screens
It is possible to display controlled parameters in
both automatic and manual modes (but not during
programming). No code is required to perform
visualisation. Permutation cycle shave priority over
visualisation anddisplay timer countdown during cycle
If both sources are available:
• One visualisation screen is split into 2 parts and
displays simultaneously voltage and frequency values
on both networks.
• If a timer is active, on one of the source, its
countdown is displayed instead of voltage and fre-
quency values.
Examples :
Without keypad activation or any operational
sequence during 5 minutes, the LCD comes back to
default display mode and stops the backlight.
If only one source is present:
• During permutation cycle, voltage and frequency
values of the available source (active) are displayed
on 2 lines.
The name of the active timer and its countdown are
displayed on remaining 2 lines.
• Out of a permutation cycle, phase to phase voltages
and frequency are displayed.
Examples :
only on automatic changeover switches.
Architecture of visualisation menu HIC4xx